
Scientific Study on Long-stay Nurseries

Studio Scientifico sui Nidi Lungodegenti Intesa Sanpaolo e AIEOP
Studio Scientifico sui Nidi Lungodegenti Intesa Sanpaolo e AIEOP

When we launched Intesa Sanpaolo's project for Children in long-term care*, we noticed the positive impact that the project had not only on children, but on families, healthcare workers and educators as well. And so, together with the Italian Association of paediatric haematology and oncology (AIEOP), we decided to begin an impact analysis in 2017 to monitor the progress of the project in the hospitals where the crèche service is active, with the involvement of families, educators and healthcare workers. The study demonstrated how the Educational Programme helps little boys and girls to maintain standards of cognitive and emotional development typical of their age group, in contrast to the delays caused by long-term care.

The results are available for scientists and educators to see.

*The Programme offers childcare services in oncology departments of outstanding hospitals for children up to 3 years of age hospitalised for serious illnesses, with the aim of helping the children to overcome the social and psychological isolation caused by illness, as well as the burden of treatment and long-term care.

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