
Fifth MED & Italian Energy Report: geopolitics and new technologies

The image accompanying the News on the presentation to the European Parliament of the 5th MED & Italian Energy Report, “Geopolitics of energy in the Mediterranean area between international crises and new energy commodities”, portrays the hub of a plant with pipes for the transport of 'hydrogen

SRM, research centre related to Intesa Sanpaolo, is presenting to the European Parliament the Fifth MED & Italian Energy Report, entitled "Geopolitics of energy in the Mediterranean area between international crises and new energy commodities".

This year's Report focuses on the impacts that geopolitical phenomena and the introduction of new technologies are having on energy scenarios, with particular regard to the Euro-Mediterranean area: Italy and its ports can play an increasingly important role by acting as energy hub for Europe.

The Report was prepared with support from the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and in scientific synergy between SRM and the ESL@Energy Center of Turin Polytechnic, with the participation of the Matching Energies Foundation.

5° MED & Italian Energy Report - Highlights
