
Intesa Sanpaolo invests in AI to combat financial crime

The image accompanying the News on First International Special Day on AI for Financial Crime Fight portrays two colleagues inside a data center, analyzing information together on a laptop

Intesa Sanpaolo is promoting the use of artificial intelligence to fight financial crime and, with the AFC Digital Hub (Anti-Financial Crime Digital Hub), it organised in Turin the first workshop on the subject: the First International Special Day on AI for Financial Crime Fight.

The AFC Digital Hub, in particular, presented the achievements of its first year of activity, including new models that:

  • make controls more effective, reducing false positives
  • capture complex illicit phenomena, such as transactions carried out in a very short time between different parties in order to conceal their origin

in the hope that other banking organisations will become involved in the future, to increase the impact of the services rendered and take a systematic approach.

"Intesa Sanpaolo is investing significant resources in AI, which it regards as an extremely powerful tool that will become an essential component of the way we work and do business. We are also investing in using AI in the fight against financial crime, where it can certainly be a turning point, in keeping with our Group's vocation for social responsibility, which is a cause of pride for Intesa Sanpaolo."


Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo

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