
Sustainability policies

Policies are key documents in the path of sustainability that Intesa Sanpaolo has decided to undertake. Starting from the principles expressed in the Code of Ethics, they establish rules to ensure transparency and professionalism in the relationship with stakeholders and identify the responsible functions for the different activities.

Code of Ethics The document, that is adopted by all the banks and the companies of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in Italy and abroad, is as a self-regulation document for the integration of social and environmental considerations into company processes, practices and decisions beyond those required by Legislative Decree 231/2001. It contains voluntary commitments in the management of relations with all the Group’s internal and external stakeholders, setting out the core values and principles of the Group. 
Group's Internal Code of Conduct 
The document defines rules of conduct that recipients are obliged to observe both within workplaces and outside of them, pursuing the interests of the Company and the Group, the customers, and the shareholders with professionalism, diligence, honesty and fairness and, in any event, acting with transparency and in full respect of people’s dignity and integrity.
Organisational, management and control model 
The document contains the organization, management and control model of the Group drawn up pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231 also inspired by the Guidelines drawn up by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and approved by the Ministry of Justice. 
Anti-corruption Guidelines 
The guidelines are aimed at combating corruption in all its forms, where corruption refers to the offering or acceptance, directly or indirectly, of money or other benefits capable of influencing the receiver, in order to induce or reward the execution of a function/activity or the omission thereof. 
The rules are to be respected by the corporate officers and all the personnel of the Group. Furthermore, external stakeholders (suppliers, agents, consultants, professionals, business partners, self-employed or quasi employees, etc.) what assist the Group in the execution of its activities are also required to comply.
Health and safety policy The policy applies to the Parent Company Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and, by virtue of the policy and coordination action exercised by it, to all Group companies. From the Policy derives rules and processes applied at Group level which define Intesa Sanpaolo's approach to protect the health, safety and well-being at work of all its people as well as of the other external stakeholders impacted by the Group's activities (eg. customers and suppliers). The basic principles reflect the requirements of the Consolidated Law on health and safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008) and of the relevant mandatory legislation. The Policy is approved by the Employer for health and safety pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008.
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