
Cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs on safety of Italian workers abroad

The image accompanying the News on the signing of the memorandum of understanding with the Crisis Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to strengthen cooperation on the safety of workers abroad, portrays an image of the Farnesina Palace in Rome with the imposing Sfera Grande di Pomodoro sculpture in the foreground

Intesa Sanpaolo and the Crisis Unit at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs have signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation on the safety of Italian workers abroad.

The initiative aims to help disseminate a culture of prevention and corporate safety when it comes to travel abroad, through the integration of corporate information systems with those of the Crisis Unit.

The agreement comes as part of the growing cooperation between the Foreign Affairs Crisis Unit and the business world, in the light of recent experiences – such as the earthquake in Morocco or the crisis in Israel and Gaza – which have confirmed the importance of unambiguous communication and immediate interaction between the Ministry and companies’ security experts.

In addition to its Italian network of around 70,000 people, Intesa Sanpaolo employs a staff of around 20,000 in several foreign countries.

Image portraying the Head of Unit of the Farnesina Crisis Unit, Nicola Minasi, and the Chief Operating Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo, Paola Angeletti, on the occasion of the signing of the memorandum of understanding