The permanent collections of the Gallerie d’Italia - Milan

At the site of the Gallerie d’Italia in Milan, the rooms of three historic buildings display the permanent collections in two exhibition tours, “From Canova to Boccioni” and “Cantieri del ‘900”.
In the Palazzo Anguissola Antona Traversi and in the Palazzo Brentani, works of the 19th century are exhibited, organised in a tour entitled "From Canova to Boccioni", in which the focus is on nineteenth-century painting from Lombardy that bears witness to Milan’s position as Italy’s major artistic centre in that century, the interpreter of a society in rapid transformation.
The building that was once the historical headquarters of the Banca Commerciale Italiana hosts the “Cantiere del '900”, a project that includes a selection of more than 3,000 works of the 20th and 21st centuries in the Intesa Sanpaolo collections from the various credit institutions that have become part of the Group.
The exhibition tours offered by the sites of the Gallerie d’Italia are particularly mindful of the needs of families and disabled people.
“From Canova to Boccioni”

“From Canova to Boccioni” leads the visitor from a sequence of 13 bas-reliefs by Antonio Canova, owned by the Fondazione Cariplo, to four masterpieces by Umberto Boccioni that are part of the artistic heritage of Intesa Sanpaolo. In addition, the tour shows works by the most prestigious members of the movements of Romanticism, Naturalism, Divisionism and Symbolism.
"Cantiere del '900"

The “Cantiere del ‘900” tour brings together the works of the leading figures of Italian art, from the movements of the post-WWII years, such as Spatialism, Arte Informale, Concrete Art, the group of the Eight and Italian Pop Art, in addition to the technological and construction avant-garde of the nineteen sixties and seventies and works of painting and sculpture from the nineteen sixties to nineties. It also presents works by artists from the international panorama, such as Mirò, Picasso, Kandinsky and Warhol.
“Cantiere del ‘900” is a project aimed at promoting works exhibited in rotation in different settings, in order to reflect different themes that are proposed from time to time.
Opening image: Piero Dorazio, Snake, 1968, Intesa Sanpaolo Collection, © PIERO DORAZIO, by SIAE 2020, photo by Valter Maino
Image "Da Canova a Boccioni": Antonio Canova, The Dance of the Sons of Alcinous (Danza dei figli di Alcinoo)
Image “Cantiere del ‘900”: Della Torre, River Universe (Universo Fluviale), 1989, oil on canvas
Last updated 11 April 2023 at 12:00:42