Relationship with customers
Intesa Sanpaolo aims to be a reference point for its customers, responding to their needs and maximizing their satisfaction through a careful monitoring of the quality of service provided and perceived.
Active Listening

Attention to the customer and the will to ensure a distinctive offer in line with his needs are concepts at the basis of the strategy pursued by the Bank.
The Bank of Territories Division, thanks to satisfaction surveys, is able to listen to the customer's voice, to promptly intercept emerging issues and to intervene effectively to identify consistent improvement actions.
The Guide Tool is an integrated system that exploits every moment of customer interaction with the Bank as a learning opportunity, with a view to listening, analysis and subsequent corrective action.
The Customer Voice listening system is characterized from:
- the monitoring of satisfaction and the collection of opinions and suggestions to identify opportunities for improvements both in products and services and in interactions with the Bank
- an approach aimed at understanding customer expectations and satisfying them, thanks to the detection of the Net Promoter Score (NPS), an indicator which, by measuring the propensity to recommend Intesa Sanpaolo and the reasons underlying the opinion expressed, makes it possible to seize the emotional and relational bond with the Bank, directing actions so as to be ever closer to customer needs
- the timely and punctual management of complaints which allows for the continuous monitoring of the causes of dissatisfaction and the identification of any mitigation actions to reduce operational and reputational risks.
As early as the design phase, the evidence from customer behavior assessments and market benchmarks can detect latent needs and become a support for the definition and design of products and services. Particularly important for highly innovative services is the next phase of recognition of the liking of new concepts that, thanks to the involvement of target users in focus groups and use tests, allows to suggest refinements of the proposals already during their conception.
Furthermore, customer satisfaction surveys monitor satisfaction with the possession and use of individual products over time and customer experience surveys allow for the collection of continuous feedback from customers following an interaction with the Bank through the various physical and online channels, identifying the factors of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, in order to identify areas for improvement on which to intervene.
In addition to the continuous surveys, ad hoc in-depth surveys are activated from time to time to meet specific information needs.
Listening to the customer is integrated and enriched with the point of view of the people of the Bank of Territories Division who are called to express their perception of the products, processes and services provided to the branch network by internal structures. This model of intervention allows you to collect suggestions ranging from the usability of the tools to the relationship with the customer.
To ensure accessibility and greater inclusiveness, the survey system has evolved over time, ensuring complete and easy use by visually impaired people, also allowing the collection of responses via voice messages.
In a context of rapid and significant changes in technology, the Bank has made sure that its services are accessible anytime and anywhere through a number of channels. The integration of all channels, physical and virtual, enables continuous bank-customer dialogue and ensures an excellent user experience thanks to simplified processes and more efficient and effective communications.
With over 12 million multi-channel customers in Italy, Intesa Sanpaolo is the country's first digital bank. The Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App has around 1.5 billion logins and 146 million transactions a year, and supports the purchase of products and services on the Group’s digital channels, which account for almost 40% of Banca dei Territori’s total sales.
The Intesa Sanpaolo App offers simplicity and security, as well as great flexibility of use. Customers have the possibility to carry out various operations (bank transfers, payment of bills, top-ups, payments and sending money via Bancomat Pay, etc.), manage their cards, subscribe to more and more products and access dedicated services to monitor expenses or analyze your own financial well-being.
New sections and functions are available within the App such as "Ecological Style", to bring customers closer to the ESG world, "For Funding", to be able to make donations to non-profit organizations and "Compare electricity and gas" which, in partnership with SWITCHO, allows the customer to optimize bill costs with a simple and fast experience.
On the foreign perimeter, the DigiCal program (digital channels - physical branches, digital channels and branches) has continued, aimed at strengthening the integration between the physical and digital channels.
In recent years both the new website and the Mobile APP have been developed according to criteria of full accessibility. For this reason, we have collaborated and verified the two channels by a specialized company in the sector (ASPHI Onlus Foundation) and we collaborate permanently with a group of our blind colleagues.
As regards innovation in the methods of interaction with customers, some developments were released to further integrate the contact channels and improve the range and user experience. As a result of these efforts, the Intesa Sanpaolo App was once more recognised by Forrester as “Overall Digital Experience Leader”, ranking first among all the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) banking apps, and was cited as best practice in various categories of banking apps rated in the world.
In addition, in 2022:
- the digitisation of the new credit granting process for Corporate and SME customers was completed, allowing a stable and significant reduction in average resolution times
- in the payments sector, the scope of new digital payment products and services in a multi-channel perspective was expanded (the Customer Journey for new Commercial Cards was activated), leveraging strategic partnerships
- the signing of contracts remotely on Inbiz has become a target process for Intesa Sanpaolo and therefore an ordinary tool in the Bank-customer relationship, evolving Inbiz from being a transactional platform to a relational portal, generating positive impacts in the ESG field and strengthening Intesa Sanpaolo’s role as an Impact Bank with a focus on environmental sustainability (helping to save paper and reduce CO2 emissions associated with the management of paper-based documents)
- the digital onboarding model was also extended to the Global Corporate segment
- Fideuram customers are in the process of being migrated to the MyKey platform.
Branches continue to represent for Intesa Sanpaolo the physical location of the distribution network, where customers find support and assistance in person, especially for more complex operations. There are around 3,500 branches in Italy and around 950 abroad.
The attention to the "physical location" of the reception was particularly developed with the project of the New Branch Layout which produced a significant change in the methods of meeting with the customer: modular physical spaces place reception at the center, with areas to living in common and comfortable and innovative lounges for moments of relationship. The new branch layout, which also adapts to host artistic and cultural events, at the end of 2022 is present in 370 branches, of which 32 are Business branches, with an increase of over 50 units compared to 2021.
The project implements the most stringent regulations for the removal of architectural barriers and in 2014 was acknowledged by FIABA Fondo Italiano Abbattimento Barriere Architettoniche, which recognised its full compliance with the requirements regarding accessibility for people with reduced mobility.
Proximity also means that the bank is available at all times, guaranteeing cost-effectiveness, safety, transparency and online help in choices and navigation.
The Digital Branch is the access point to the digital bank. More and more a relationship center for customers in terms of welcoming, listening and assistance on products and services, as well as proposing commercial solutions, in analogy with the tasks performed by the traditional branches in the area.
The Digital Branch assists all customers and potential customers of Banca dei Territori and Private Banking through digital channels, in synergy with the physical network.
In fact, the constant evolution of multi-channeling has led to combining the skills of network people with the potential offered by the development of technology, to give customers a better experience in dialogue with the Bank.
Integrated with the app and with the internet banking platform, the Digital Branch constitutes the remote interaction channel with customers, with a broad service both in terms of content and availability 7 days a week, offered through over 2,000 digital managers throughout the national territory.
Over 160 DigitalRemote Managers are also active, offering a free remote consultancy service for digital-oriented customers, with extended hourly coverage, in synergy with the physical network using cutting-edge collaboration tools for immediate, easy and efficient interaction with the client.
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group had a network of more than 8,000 automatic teller machines (ATM, MTA e self-service staff-assisted banking terminals) in Italy and approximately 3,000 ATMs in the banks of the International Subsidiary Banks perimeter.
In Italy, all the machines are aligned to the international management standard for cards with EMV microprocessors.
The “Donations” function is active at all branches to allow customers to make free donations to the bank’s main partner non-profit associations (Bambin Gesù, Agire, Anlaids, AIBI, Malawi, AIRC, Città della Speranza, Amico Charly, Lega del Filo d’Oro, Banco Alimentare, Per Emma onlus, Famiglie Nuove and Padova Ospitale).
To allow visually impaired or short-sighted people to withdraw cash, view their account balance or top up their mobile phone at ATMs, Intesa Sanpaolo has realized in partnership with Unione Italiana Ciechi (Italian Association for the Blind) various initiative that allows them to operate autonomously and safely.
For short-sighted customers, for the same functions, all self-service machines were fitted with a high-visibility display format (yellow font on a black background), activated, as in the case of the headset jack for visually impaired customers, by pressing the “5” key - easy to find thanks to a raised mark - before inserting a card.
The widespread presence on the territory and access to services are achieved by the Mooney network, the first Italian company of Proximity Banking & Payments, born from the agreement between SisalPay and Banca 5 (now Isybank), which at the end of 2022 counts around 46,500 affiliated businesses distributed throughout the national territory and makes available to citizens who pass through authorized establishments on a daily basis, a complete range of collection and payment services (withdrawals, transfers, MAV, payment slips, prepaid card top-ups, etc.) and other commercial services (SPID recognition, telephone top-ups).
Intesa Sanpaolo also wanted to exploit web potential to allow Italian companies to increase their popularity, thus increasing their business and seizing new opportunities for development. Partnerships have been launched and several business matching platforms made available Created in Italia which is an e-commerce portal that promotes Italian excellence in food and tourism sectors.
In an increasingly fast and digital world, Forvalue has created Club Forvalue, an online platform whose services are organized in four thematic areas:
- digital networking, with a social area, a showcase for client companies on the Forvalue website and business matching tools (for example TechMarketplace);
- information on business and markets, in collaboration with the 24 Ore Group and with the Studies and Research Department of Intesa Sanpaolo;
- art and culture, with a ticketing service in collaboration with the Galleries of Italy;
- benefits for companies including discounts on electronic invoicing services (Digifattura di Intesa Sanpaolo), cybersecurity (together with Swascan), internationalization (together with Co.Mark), subsidized finance, privacy and GDPR (together with Warrant Hub)
Club Forvalue also combines offline networking with online networking, thanks to face-to-face events, during which entrepreneurs can discuss in convivial and in-depth meetings on issues related to business and the scenario
Forvalue also offers, together with Alkemy Play and Co.Mark, a series of services to better manage the presence of companies on the web (sites, e-commerce) and on social media (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin) and on marketplaces (Amazon and Alibaba).
Transparency to Customers
"Banking Transparency" is meant to give customers information more clear and understandable at all stages of the relationship with the bank, through simplicity of language, transparency of information and alignment of conditions within the various transparency documents relating to the same product/service.
A section of the Bank's website presents the main transparency documents of the offer. In particular, the Information Sheets of the products and services offered, the specific Guidelines (The Current Account, The Home Mortgage, The Consumer credit) and the Reports on the conditions offered to customers are available at the branches and in the section of the website, so that they can be viewed, saved and printed.
With reference to the area of investments, following the entry into force of the MiFID II Directive and the European Regulations on investor protection, the Bank has further strengthened its model in order to be able to offer a higher level of protection to investors and greater transparency in the negotiations that take place on the financial instruments markets. In particular, Intesa Sanpaolo has introduced new obligations in terms of governance of financial instruments, knowledge requirements and competence of the personnel responsible for providing investment services as well as ex ante and ex post information on costs, charges and incentives for financial products and services offered.
A special section of the Bank's website presents the Service Model based on the provision of the Advisory service by making the main reference documentation available to the customer (among others, the Profiling Questionnaire and the Contract for the provision of Investment Services and Additional Services ). Furthermore, in the section of the site dedicated to sustainability, the document Policies on the integration of sustainability risks and information on the negative effects on sustainability factors is available, which illustrates Intesa Sanpaolo's policy with respect to the integration of environmental sustainability risks, social and governance and provides information on how the Bank considers the main negative effects on sustainability factors (Principal Adverse Impact) in the activity of investment advice and insurance distribution.
Within the Progetto Multicanalità Integrata (Integrated Multichannel Project), information sheets and pre-contract documents were made available on the WEB platform for the distance marketing of financial products.
The new products and services distributed by Intesa Sanpaolo, as well as the changes to existing products and services, are always accompanied by a Product Governance process in which the main Group structures actively participate. The main purpose of Product Governance is to make the product as close as possible to the needs of the customers for which it is intended, with compliance checks at the start-up stage and throughout its life cycle. Compliance clearing includes a preventive verification of compliance with applicable legislation. Similarly, innovative projects that involve the start-up of businesses or entry into new markets are assessed in advance to ensure substantial and formal compliance with internal and external regulations. Conformity assessments are conducted in compliance with the principles of correctness and protection of customer interests and also relate to the quality of the information provided and the consistency of the same services, products or operations with the expectations of the customers to whom they are addressed.
Intesa Sanpaolo has for some time developed an open and constructive dialogue with the Consumer Associations belonging to the National Council of Consumers and Users (within the Italian Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy). In this context, the Framework Agreement “Innoviamo le Relazioni 2.0 2021-2023” (Let’s Innovate Relationships 2.0 2021-2023) is in force; it provides for the formation of 3 permanent discussion groups on the issues of greatest interest: Products and Services, Banking and insurance education and Local Relations; Regulations and Authority, Customer Care and Conciliation; Educational and Sustainability, Impact. During 2022, two theme-based workgroups were organised aimed at the national managers of Consumer Associations concerning relevant issues, such as the presentation of the 2022-2025 Business Plan and the new remuneration model for ATM fees and commissions.
In addition, with a view to further developing cooperation with the Consumer Associations, a series of meetings were strengthened with the regional delegations from 12 regions.
In 2022, the training initiatives as part of the multi-year project “Mettere in comune competenze” (Sharing Expertise) continued.
Since 2011, this project has seen Intesa Sanpaolo and the Consumer Associations discuss and share knowledge about their respective professions; 5 training webinars were held for the national delegates of the Associations, while a further 8 webinars were held on a local basis, involving the regional representatives of the Associations in a few Italian regions.
In collaboration with the Group Function responsible for relations with local institutions, a number of direct meetings were also held with the Presidents of the Regional Councils of Consumers and Users (CRCU), particularly in the regions of Piedmont, Liguria, Veneto, Abruzzo and Lazio.
Intesa Sanpaolo is also a member of the Executive Committee of Consumers’ Forum, an independent association encompassing the most important consumer associations, numerous industrial and service companies and their trade associations, and the Institutions.
Work also continued throughout the year on permanent conciliation and its role as an out-of-court solution instrument adopted and managed together with the Consumer Associations through the signed Conciliation Protocol; in 2022, a training meeting was held in Florence aimed at conciliators of the Bank and of the Associations.
In 2022, 130 applications for permanent conciliation were received.
The main objective is to communicate the initiatives that are strategic or important from an operational viewpoint to all stakeholders, ensuring the utmost transparency. Information is made available through the dedicated section of the website and individuals or entities can also subscribe to a mailing-list to receive press releases and information about major corporate events directly by e-mail or mobile phone. There is also an option for requesting that documentation is mailed to the user’s home address.
Intesa Sanpaolo adheres to UPA (Utenti Pubblicità Associati) and “Codice di Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria” (Publicity Governance Code), promoted by the Istituto di Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (IAP) to ensure that advertising is transparent, true and correct. The close collaboration with these Associations ensures that any updates or amendments in the regulations to which we have adhered are immediately put into effect. As for advertisements of investment products, all scripts are always submitted to the Legal Affairs Department and to the Compliance Department and when necessary, communicated to Consob to examine their compliance with laws and their adherence to the principles of truthfulness and transparency.
Security and privacy
Intesa Sanpaolo pays great attention to the protection of personal data, of people, processes and treatments carried out within its structures, protecting the rights and interests of its customers and its employees.
The aim, even before legal requirements, is to draw more attention and awareness towards the issues of personal data protection, in the various processing stages within the Bank and the companies of the Group. The commitment is addressed to the Group companies and to their involvement in it and organizational choices on the personal data processing: in-depth analysis of possible threats to the correct processing and confidentiality of data are centrally produced by applying best practices for combating the risks identified. The employees' awareness on these issues is maintained consistently high and is based on a systematic approach in the analysis of the new products designed for customers and the related processes that must comply with Group’s security and privacy policies.
Efforts were increased to raise awareness among its employees, also in response of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on data protection.
In order to monitor the level of protection and security of personal data, a complex process has long been introduced and is constantly updated, that provides the internal certification basis of the service approach for the protection of personal data at the Group level, aimed at continuous improvement.
Essential is the effort aimed at raising awareness among the employees on the precaution which, already ingrained in the daily banking activities, represents the very essence of personal data protection: the training upgrade is intended in general to all the employees and in particular, according to the different needs, to the staff that covers specific roles.
The following activities are kept under constant monitoring:
- analysis, in terms of personal data protection, of new products or initiatives carried out by the Group banks
- processing of customers’ requests with regards to the right of access to their data or pertaining to complaints on the subject.
Security management is, for the financial sector, a necessary prerequisite in customer relationships. As well as the traditional issue of physical security, aimed at countering the phenomena of robbery, for some years the attention devoted to combatting fraud and cybercrime perpetrated against customers through the fraudulent use of services offered by the Bank (Internet banking, Phone banking, payment cards, cheques and ATMs) has increased.
Such offences, also known as cybercrime, are committed against customers using increasingly sophisticated technological stratagems and social engineering tactics (especially in the main communication channels like email, phone and social networks).
To prevent and combat these risks, Intesa Sanpaolo has implemented a series of measures in Italian banks and in some of the Group’s international banks, including the anti-fraud system, which analyses all card transactions made through online channels (e.g. Internet Banking). “Suspicious” transactions are checked by a specialist unit and, if necessary, contact is made with the customer concerned as soon as possible.
In the event of ascertainable fraud or attempted fraud, the customer is also assisted in filing a report with the relevant authorities.
All customers are informed on the rules of conduct for proper and safe use of online tools (e.g., updated antivirus software, detection of phishing emails, correct use of personal codes, etc.) and the information is also made available in the "Safety" section of the Bank's website.
Last updated 29 May 2023 at 16:14:08