


Luxury and beauty: the main operations of the IMI CIB division in 1H24

Intesa Sanpaolo's IMI CIB Division was the advisor for several extraordinary finance transactions in the fashion, beauty and luxury sectors


Venture Capital: Neva invests in Italian start-up incubator Bio4Dreams

Neva's Fondo SEI enters the capital of Bio4Dreams to support and accelerate start-ups operating in the Life Sciences sector in Italy


Intesa Sanpaolo fully underwrites CDP's first Digital Bond on Blockchain

Intesa Sanpaolo and CDP first financial institutions in Italy to conclude a transaction with these characteristics, part of a broader ECB trial


Sustainable water management: agreement with Acea and €20 billion for investment

First national agreement for the protection and sustainable management of water resources in companies' production processes


Euromoney awards IMI CIB as best Corporate and Investment Bank in Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo’s IMI C&IB Division awarded by Euromoney as the Best Investment Bank and Best Bank for Corporates in Italy


Euromoney recognizes several Intesa Sanpaolo subsidiaries banks in CEE

PBZ in Croatia, VUB in Slovakia and BIB in Serbia awarded as the Best Banks in their countries by the prestigious Euromoney magazine
