Shareholder base
The subscribed and paid-in share capital amounts to 10,368,870,930.08 euro, represented by 18,282,798,989 ordinary shares without nominal value .
As of 6 June 2024 the shareholder structure of Intesa Sanpaolo was composed as follows (holders of shares exceeding 3% (*)):
(*) Shareholders that are fund management companies may be exempted from disclosure up to the 5% threshold. BlackRock Inc. disclosed a 5.005% holding in the share capital of Intesa Sanpaolo, notified in Form 120 A dated 9 December 2020, as well as a 5.066% aggregate holding in the Bank’s share capital, notified in Form 120 B dated 4 December 2020, and has not provided any update of these holdings following the subsequent changes in the number of shares into which the share capital of Intesa Sanpaolo is divided.
Note: figures may not add up exactly due to rounding differences.
Figures updated based on the results from the register of shareholders and the latest communications received.
The Italian regulations (Article 120 of the Consolidated Law on Finance “TUF”) set forth that holdings exceeding 3% of the voting capital of a listed company should be communicated to both that company and CONSOB. Moreover, under Article 19 of the Consolidated Law on Banking "TUB", prior authorisation by the Bank of Italy is required for the acquisition of holdings of capital in banks that are either significant or make it possible to exercise significant influence, or confer a share of voting rights or capital equal to at least 10%.
The Italian regulations also set forth the obligation to disclose any agreements between shareholders.
Furthermore, Article 120, paragraph 4-bis, of the “TUF” sets forth the obligation for investors who acquire holdings in listed issuers with Italy as home Member State, equal to or above 10% of the relevant capital or a lower threshold as defined by CONSOB, to declare the objectives they are pursuing.
Last updated 7 June 2024 at 15:13:26