
IMI Corporate & Investment Banking

The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo is a global partner for Corporate customers, Public Entities and Financial Institutions, with a historic presence on financial markets and an innovative offering.

Focusing on excellence, anticipating challenges and enhancing merit and innovation, it combines the global dimension with territorial roots, without losing sight of the individual and promoting listening, dialogue and quality relationships.

Vacancies in IMI Corporate & Investment Banking

Students and graduates

All the vacancies for those looking for an internship experience or an opportunity to consolidate a path that has just begun.

Explore the opportunities

The opportunities for those who want to consolidate their professional career and are looking for a new experience in an international company.

Explore the opportunities

Investment Banking and structured finance

Image depicting people working in the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo

The IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division is chosen by many companies, both Italian and foreign, for the professionalism of its people and for the ability to establish lasting collaborative relationships, as well as distinguishing itself for the effectiveness of its solutions.

In this Division you will have the opportunity to acquire new skills and compare yourself daily with structured finance professionals.

The main paths to develop your career

Image of people working in the M&A perimeter of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division
M&A Advisory

Acquiring in-depth knowledge of M&A operations, advisory services and supporting customers at all stages of the operation, including in the capacity of project manager.

Image of a person working in the Equity perimeter of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division
Equity Capital Markets

The opportunity to learn how to accompany companies that intend to go public or that need to meet particular financial needs related to their capital.

Image of a person working in the Debt Capital Markets perimeter of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division
Debt Capital Markets

A path in which you can learn how to manage debt capital raising services.

Image of a person working in the perimeter of Structured Finance in the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division
Structured Finance

The opportunity to become part of one of the main operators in the creation of innovative and tailor made structured finance solutions.

Join the team

Do not miss the opportunity to join our team, bring your contribution and acquire new skills

Find our opportunities

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