
Financial inclusion and supporting production

Intesa Sanpaolo is strongly committed to social inclusion, a crucial factor with a view to a fair and inclusive transition.

Letter to stakeholders, Carlo Messina, CEO, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman

Main targets and results*

€141.8bn credit granted

medium/long-term to the real economy, objective €328bn 2022-2025

€20.4bn social lending

and urban regeneration 2022-2024**. Objective €25bn new loans to support nonprofit businesses and vulnerable and young people

€110m made available

with fund For Impact in 2024


Impact assessment of per Merito and mamma@work products 2023

The results (July 2020-December 2023) of the social impact assessment of the "per Merito" loans, dedicated to supporting university students, and mamma@work, designed for working mothers.

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Report assessing the impact of financing for non-profit organisations

The results of the social and environmental impact of 662 initiatives promoted by non-profit organizations and financed with 189 million euro by Intesa Sanpaolo during 2023.

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Financial inclusion: discover all the objectives and the results

2022-2025 Business Plan: 2023 results
2022-2025 Business Plan
Description Results as at 30.12.2023 (where not specified)
Medium/long-term credit granted to the real economy Disbursment of €328bn of which €285bn in Italy (cumulative value 2022-2025) €60.4bn of which €40.3bn in Italy
Financial inclusion and supporting production Social lending: New loans to support nonprofit businesses and vulnerable and young people for €25bn €5.5bn disbursed1, equal to 9.1% of total loans

Loans to the Third Sector
€252m loans were granted in support of non-profit organisations 
Fund for Impact for direct support to people who are unable to access credit through the traditional channels  
New lending for urban regeneration to finance a dedicated program Commitments made to the tune of over €639m of new loans to support investments in housing, sustainable services and infrastructure, in addition to the most important urban regeneration initiatives currently underway in Italy. 
Social bond   In May 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo successfully placed a new Senior Preferred Social issue aimed at the sterling market, for a nominal amount of 750 million with maturity in May 2033. The order book closed at more than 1.6 billion and proved to be the largest ever achieved by an Italian bank issuer on this market

Enhancing the quality of service levels
Enhancing the quality of service levels NPS Retail: 28; NPS Exclusive: 22; NPS Corporate: 22; NPS Third Sector: 31; NPS Agribusiness: 18. In 2023, the survey consisted of about 590,000 responses from Retail customers, 110,000 responses from Exclusive customers, 65,000 responses from Corporate customers, 11,000 responses from Third Sector customers and 17,000 responses from Agribusiness customers

1 Reporting follows the Rules for the classification of credit products and sustainable lending transactions approved by the Group at the end of 2022 and, in addition, the support loans provided in the event of natural disasters and for urban regeneration. It also includes ~750 million euro of green loans provided in 2023 to young people.

Example of projects

New impact projects: another step towards inclusion and access to credit

Intesa Sanpaolo strengthens its commitment to citizens who would find it difficult to access credit according to conventional criteria with three new initiatives implemented through the Fund for Impact.

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First Elite Lounge 2023: Intesa Sanpaolo supports growth of new SMEs

A new edition of Intesa Sanpaolo's ELITE Lounge, a programme of training and support for small and medium-sized enterprises in their growth and access to private and public capital markets, is now under way.

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Actions and insights on the challenges of education and financial inclusion and support for the economy

Documents and indicators

Documents relating to reporting about our customer's support are available below.

Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2023:  
Quality of service and customer satisfaction
Innovation, digital transformation and cybersecurity
Financial inclusion and supporting production
Sustainable investments and insurance
Customer indicators - pdf
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2022:  
Quality of service and customer satisfaction
Innovation, digital transformation and cybersecurity
Financial inclusion and supporting production
Sustainable investments and insurance
Customer indicators - pdf
Customer indicators - excel
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