Initiatives for Universities and Schools
Intesa Sanpaolo with the new Business Plan has set itself among the main objectives that of becoming the first impact bank in the world.
For us, being an impact bank means investing in the socio-economic growth of the country by paying close attention to young people and their right to education, training and access to the world of work.
In the four-year period of the Business Plan we want to develop an Educational Inclusion Program to concretely guarantee the right to study and the development of the Life Skills of the future. We will invest in education and research by proposing initiatives aimed at supporting study, enhancing talent and merit, combating early school leaving and expanding employment opportunities for young people.
The Educational Inclusion Program will stimulate the active participation of young people in social and economic life and will help strengthen the social impact of the Bank.
Educational projects to develop awareness in the adult of tomorrow
Inclusion and guidance to combat early school leaving
Enhance research and talent to promote the economic and social development of the country
Valuing merit to promote social mobility
“At the heart of the Business Plan is our desire to contribute to the cultural, social and civil development of our country. We are a large bank and we feel a responsibility to help educate the citizens of tomorrow. We’re convinced that economic development is intrinsically linked to educational level - particularly with regard to younger generations - as well as to social cohesion and the circular dynamics of the production cycle. Creating the conditions to generate new jobs is the priority in the relaunch of our country.”
Carlo Messina
CEO and Managing Director of Intesa Sanpaolo
The challenge we are faced with: "building tomorrow’s people and citizens
University and School Relations develops projects that confirm the Group's commitment to the younger generations and educational institutions.
The quality of the educational relationship develops towards the different school communities with the aim of educating young people to use trust and cooperation to manage complexity and achieve the goals of well-being and social coexistence.
In the School area, the Bank supports the educational community in developing the ability to read the growth needs of the new generations to motivate them and orient them towards the future. We work to make schools more inclusive, to combat cultural poverty and to broaden the social foundations of access to knowledge and the right to study. To this purpose, we carry out educational interventions of various kinds in the most fragile contexts or where the greatest needs are greatest. In addition, we seek to develop good internationalization practices to orientate our schools towards a multicultural dimension, considering it a fundamental component of school innovation at every level.
In the University area, the Bank provides students with a multidisciplinary set of experiences, services and tools to allow them to imagine and build their own future as people and as citizens with employment, productivity but above all social cohesion and a good quality of life as their horizon. We implement all this by developing relations with the universities, by creating specific projects geared towards supporting talent, but also by activating practical experiences and participatory methodologies among our people, students and professors. Finally, we contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and the international attractiveness of universities by promoting student mobility accordingly.
Intervention pillars
The role of school and education is central. This is why the Bank is committed to ensuring a future of growth and development by investing in education, merit and research also through international exchange dynamics. Our commitment includes concrete support for the right to education, combating early school leaving and developing the Life Skills needed to meet the challenges of the future. From here, the pillars on which the University and School Relations structure has chosen are:
Child Discomfort Prevention and Life Skills
...We promote wellness as a tool for preventing distress and accompany the educating community in fostering the journey of children and youth toward growth and active citizenship in tomorrow's society.
Inclusion and Orientation against Abandonment
...We develop study inclusion and guidance projects to foster educational path choices and prevent school dropout. We promote the internationalization and multiculturalism of the school to nurture comparison with globalized realities and contexts.
Social Mobility and Merit
...We reward merit to raise the level of schooling and promote social mobility. We support and fund study and Higher Education to reduce differences in opportunities.
Enhancement of Research and Talent
...We invest in research and talent to help empower young people to be their own entrepreneurs and direct their own choices.
To explore the initiatives, projects and programs developed along the lines of the pillars described, read the in-depth pages.
Child Discomfort Prevention and Active Citizenship
Educational projects to support the educational community in contrasting the childhood hardships of children and accompany the growth path of children for active citizenship.
Projects and programs designed to support and guarantee inclusion in study and internationalization, to guide informed choices and to combat early school leaving.
Learn more
Research and talent enhancement projects to promote social mobility by rewarding merit and training innovative skills capable of making young entrepreneurs of themselves.
Learn more
Last updated 30 July 2024 at 12:47:00