Attention to social needs and commitment to culture
We are creating a positive impact in the society
Increasingly, the sustainability of a company must be built and integrated with the sustainability of the community in which the company operates. The development of culture and social cohesion are the basis for the growth of society.
In Intesa Sanpaolo we are convinced of this and for this reason also in the 2022-2025 Business Plan we have defined the objective of providing unparalleled support to meet social needs through, for example, support programs for people in need (expanding the Food and shelter program), promoting educational inclusion and youth employability, assisting older people.
In its 2022-2025 Business Plan, Intesa Sanpaolo has included important social and cultural initiatives: from meeting social needs with new initiatives, for example, in favour of the young and senior population (including one of the most extensive social housing programmes in Italy and the creation of community hubs), to providing support to financial inclusion through cumulative social credit flows to the tune of 25 billion euro, to the continuous commitment towards culture through, for example, the plan to double the Gallerie d’Italia exhibition spaces by 2025.
Letter to stakeholders, Carlo Messina, CEO, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman
The enhancement of the Italian artistic heritage is a further fundamental objective that has roots in our history and in our way of operating.
The Intesa Sanpaolo Group responsibly plays an active role in the development and promotion of the territories and communities in which it operates through initiatives that include participation in national and international projects, consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals, support for non-profit organizations , the promotion of initiatives of social solidarity and cultural and educational intervention.
The activity in favor of Italian art and culture, with its own initiatives, such as the four museums of the Gallerie d'Italia, or supported by the bank in collaboration with organizations and institutions, has a fundamental prerequisite which lies in the solidity of Intesa Sanpaolo, a strength that places us among the top banks in Europe.
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman
Commitment to community: targets and results*

54.1m meals since 2022
objective 50 million initiatives in 2022-2025 (meals, beds, medicines and clothing)

3.9m dormitory beds since 2022
objective 50 million initiatives in 2022-2025 (meals, beds, medicines and clothing)

6.1m medicines since 2022
objective 50 million initiatives in 2022-2025 (meals, beds, medicines and clothing)

560,000 articles of clothing since 2022
objective 50 million initiatives in 2022-2025 (meals, beds, medicines and clothing)

4,850 student trained/in training
since 2019, Giovani e Lavoro Program (objective 3,000 young people trained and entered into the job market by 2025)

754,000 visitors
to the Gallerie d’Italia, ongoing commitment to culture through the promotion of the Group’s heritage
*Data referred to 2022-2025 Business Plan and, where not otherwise stated, are data as at 31.12.2024
Attention to social needs: discover all the objectives and the results
Objectives 2022-2025 Business Plan - Support to the community |
Description | Results as at 31.12.2023 (where not specified) |
Monetary contribution to the community | Significant ESG commitment, with a world-class position in Social Impact | €101m of which about 41.7% in the art and culture sector and 22% on social solidarity |
Social housing | Promotion of social housing, one of the largest programmes in Italy: development of 6,000- 8,000 social housing units for young people and the elderly | New partnerships were launched with Coima and Redo to give new impetus to MilanoSesto, the biggest urban regeneration project in Italy Financial and advisory support to the Coima, Covivio and Prada consortium for the project of the former Porta Romana railway station where the Olympic Village will be built |
"Cibo e Riparo per le persone in difficoltà" Initiative | Support for people in need, with the expansion of the Food and Shelter for disadvantaged people programme with the completion of around 50 million initiatives in 2022-2025 (meals, beds, medicines and clothing) | The following items were donated in 2022-2023: 30m meals 3.3m beds 3.2m medicines 446,000 items of clothig |
"Giovani e Lavoro" Programme |
Promotion of youth education and employability through the launch of programmes for more than 3,000 young people and involvement of more than 4,000 schools and universities in inclusive education programs | over 6,300 young people aged 18-29 sent in applications in 2023 (over 37,800 since 2019) Over 2,000 students interviewed and more than 920 students trained/ being trained in 37 courses in 2023 (over 8,900 students interviewed and more than 3,900 students trained/being trained since 2019) About 2,400 companies involved since the start of the Programme |
“Generation4Universities” project | Intesa Sanpaolo is the main sponsor of the “Generation4Universities” project, developed by Generation and McKinsey & Company, aimed at helping students in their last year of university to embark on successful professional careers. The programme that finished in July involved 94 students from 36 universities and 22 leading Italian companies as potential employers | |
School4Life Project | Programmes promoting educational inclusion and youth employability | Launch of the “School4Life” project with careers guidance for young people who may risk dropping out from school. Intesa Sanpaolo has chosen to deliver its educational offer to more than 500 pupils in 8 middle schools |
Tesi in Azienda (Thesis in Company) |
The initiative is aimed at guiding students in choosing the most relevant subjects in the world of work: around 230 students were involved | |
Cultural activities | Enhancement and sharing of the Group's artistic and cultural heritage and promotion of culture and knowledge of the country's heritage | Monetary contribution of over €42m to Art and Culture 680,000 visitors to the Gallerie d’Italia in 2023. 11 exhibitions, 6,670 educational workshops with 83,000 participating students, 520 guided tours for visitors with special needs with 6,620 participants 363 works of art from the Banks's collections on loan to 73 temporary exhibitions held at Italian and international venues Third edition of the higher education course at the Gallerie d’Italia Academy for young managers of cultural assets (30 students, 8 scholarships)
A country in which the social divide continues to widen is not a country that can grow peacefully. This is the assumption underlying Intesa Sanpaolo's commitment to come to the aid of individuals and families in adversity – a commitment that in the 2022-2025 Business Plan has seen a twofold increase in the number of initiatives. The Charitable Fund has been contributing to this goal for some time and in 2023 will focus concentrate resources – €20 million – on narrowing the social, educational and digital gaps that limit the full development of Italy and its people. An urgent need recognised by the Bank, which allocates a share of its profits to charity and supporting solidarity projects.
Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman
Our support to the Society
Discover the section of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group website, dedicated to describing all the projects in the social field, from initiatives aimed at the community in terms of inclusion, to the enhancement of culture and the promotion of education and innovation. Intesa Sanpaolo's goal is in fact to become the first Impact Bank in the world by providing accessible financial funds to categories of people in difficulty and to businesses to ensure an opportunity for everyone.
Particular support to culture
Attention to the culture of our country has led our Group to favor the use of its important artistic, architectural, editorial and documentary heritage, the result of the history and patronage tradition of the banks that joined the Group, through the Culture Project, and on the other hand to contribute to the safeguarding of the country's cultural heritage.
Insights into the numbers of social and cultural challenges
Support to the community
The results of the Group’s most important initiatives.
The numbers of the commitment
The main indicators related to our community support for social cohesion and cultural enhancement.
Documents and indicators
Documents relating to reporting about attention to social needs are available below.
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2023: | |
Community support | |
Community Indicators - pdf | |
Community Indicators - excel | |
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2022: | |
Community support | |
Community Indicators - pdf | |
Community Indicators - excel |
Last updated 10 February 2025 at 10:28:26