Guidelines 2023-2024
The Charity Fund aims to contribute to the achievement of the social objectives of the Bank's Business Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The 2023-2024 Guidelines were drawn up after an accurate analysis of the national and international context and consultation of numerous publications. Direct involvement through a stakeholder engagement activity with specialized Third Sector organizations was fundamental, for the identification of contents relating to specific focuses 2, 3, 4. For further details, consult the full document.
Download the full document of the 2023-2024 Guidelines
DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENTWho can submit a request
Non-profit organizations, established for at least two years and committed to implementing concrete actions in response to fragile situations, can request a contribution to support their projects through two types of donations:
- LOCAL DONATIONS, maximum euro 5,000;
- CENTRAL DONATIONS, over 5,000 euros.
For further details on the general characteristics of the donations and the types of disbursements, refer to pages 4 and 13 of the full Guidelines document and to article 8, page 5, of the Charity Fund Regulation.
Areas of intervention of the Charity Fund for 2023/2024
The Charity Fund concentrates most of its resources in Italy and its activity is aimed at ensuring their fair and adequate geographical distribution.
Social area
For 2023-2024, the Charity Fund continues to support projects of a general social nature, reserving a significant portion of its resources (around 25%) for the support of projects falling within the specific themes of the 4 focuses.
The first focus concerns interventions to support poverty from the point of view of proximity and reception of people in a state of socio-economic fragility to guarantee "first aid" interventions. Since 2018, the Charity Fund has contributed to the achievement of the social objectives of the Intesa Sanpaolo Business Plan (“Food and shelter program”) supporting initiatives against food poverty, that is to say aimed at covering or increasing the number of meals distributed by charitable structures throughout the country, through central donations. Food intervention is therefore excluded for this type of donation.
For further information, consult page 6 of the full Guidelines document.
The second area of action concerns projects carried out by state schools which provide free training for students in socioeconomic difficulty, favoring innovative methodologies. More consideration will be given to interventions integrated into the curricular timetable, preferably co-planned with children/teenagers and intended to be implemented in a network with other local Organisations. It is required that the intervention methodology has already been tested.
For further details on the activities that the Charity Fund intends to support, consult pages 6-7 of the full Guidelines document.
The third area of action concerns support for young people who are neither employed nor in education or training (NEET) and young people who leave school or training activities early (ELET), so that they can get out of this condition through training and job placement in sectors with better employment opportunities. Interventions involving the co-planning of the institution with the beneficiaries will be taken into greater consideration.
For further details on the activities that the Charity Fund intends to support, consult pages 7-8 of the full Guidelines document.
The fourth and final area of action in the social area concerns support for women and minors who are victims of violence and for those who are the object of serious discrimination based on ethnicity, origin, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation, physical and cognitive disability, both offline and online through activities such as:
- Psychological and legal support for victims
- Interventions aimed at developing self-esteem and economic independence
- Migrants’ integration projects
For further details on the activities that the Charity Fund intends to support, consult page 8 of the full Guidelines document.
Research area
The Charity Fund intends to concentrate part of its resources also on both medical and social research projects; in particular, the majority of the Research Area's resources will be allocated to medical research. The Research Area is supported exclusively with central donations (requests exceeding 5,000 euros) and presents a series of requirements which can be consulted at pages 9-10 of the full document on the Guidelines.
The Fund's intervention focuses on all those medical research projects which aim to improve people's lives.
For this Area only, the deadline for submitting requests on the platform is May 31st of the reference year. The projects will be evaluated by external experts in the subject matter (referees) only if started in the year in which the donation request is presented.
The Charity Fund focuses on studies that deepen or reveal forms of social discomfort or needs of the fragile. The research activity must lead to interventions that aim to solve the problem and/or respond to the identified needs. A limited part of the Research Area resources will be allocated to social research.
International area
While favoring interventions on national territory, it is important for the Charity Fund to keep international solidarity alive and contribute to the efforts of States and society to reduce poverty in the world and assure people’s development. International projects are supported exclusively with central donations (requests over € 5,000).
At least 50% of the resources allocated internationally are given over to this type of priority intervention. In 2022, a context analysis was carried out by the local banks, to map the most relevant social problems/needs in the respective countries. This analysis has evidenced certain common themes which the Charity Fund will treat as a priority.
For further details on the common themes identified, consult page 11 of the full Guidelines document.
There is a particular attention for the following topics:
- Food insecurity;
- Inequality in the right to health;
- Educational poverty;
- Economic development and professional training;
- Women and youth empowerment;
- Racial discrimination.
For these projects, it will be decided on a case-by-case basis the amount that can be dedicated to the purchase of durable goods and equipment. If the expenditure receipts cannot be recovered, the presentation of a third-party audit report on the project costs will be accepted. For projects of an amount equal to or greater than € 80,000 external Monitoring and Evaluation by a University is not required.
How to submit a request
Check that the type of institution is eligible
Sources: Art. 8 of the Regulation and page 13 of the Guidelines
Check that the type of project for which you intend to request the donation is eligible
Source: page 14 of the Guidelines
Wait for the result of the evaluation by the Charity Fund
For further information, consult the full document of the 2023-2024 Guidelines.
The selection process
Presentation of the project on the platform
Source: page 17 of the Guidelines
Within two months: access to the second evaluation phase
Source: page 17 of the Guidelines
Positive resolution of the competent offices
Source: pages 17 and 18 of the Guidelines
Source: page 19 of the Guidelines
Requests for donations are evaluated starting from January, but disbursements cannot be made before May. Furthermore, in the selection of proposals, a chronological order is not followed, but priority is given to the requests with the best project structure, with the most significant results and social impact and with a more careful and effective use of resources.
For further details, consult pages 17, 18 and 19 of the full Guidelines document.
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Guidelines 2023-2024 |
Last updated 6 November 2023 at 09:49:25