
Commitment to people: data

The programs adopted by the Group made it possible to consolidate the centrality of people through: investments in training, enhancement also in the context of diversity, effective protection of employment levels through professional qualification activities, numerous contractual instruments of an innovative nature, capable of promoting development of an effective corporate welfare system and a better balance between professional and private life.

Diversity: group staff breakdown

The company population is fairly evenly spread between male and female employees (46% men and 54% women). There are almost 15,000 female managers (executives and middle managers) in the Group, representing 29.6% of all female employees. Women managers account for 40.1% of all managerial staff (39.4% in 2022 and 38.8% in 2021).

  Intesa Sanpaolo Group
Breakdown of staff by gender 2023
Men 48.9% 36.6% 46%
Women 51.1% 63.4% 54%


Female bank employees in Italy account for 47.9% of staff, against 52.1% male employees.

  2021   2022   2023  
Employees by category and gender [% of total employees] Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Executives 1.7 2.2 1.8 1.7 2.2 1.8 1.9 2.2 1.9
Men 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.4
Women 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.6
Middle managers 42.1 22.0 37.5 42.5 22.2 37.8 42.8 21.4 37.8
Men 25.8 12.2 22.7 25.8 12.2 22.7 25.8 11.4 22.4
Women 16.3 9.8 14.8 16.5 10.0 15.1 17.1 9.9 15.4
Professional areas 56.2 75.8 60.6 55.8 75.6 60.4 55.3 76.5 60.3
Men 22.3 23.6 22.6 22.0 23.4 22.3 21.7 23.9 22.2
Women 33.9 52.2 38.0 33.8 52.3 38.0 33.6 52.6 38.0

Figures for Italy for bank staff are as follows: executives (2.4%), middle managers (42.2%) and professional areas (55.4%).

  2021   2022   2023
Employees - Breakdown by category and gender [% of the category total] Men Women Men Women Men Women
Executives 74.0 26.0 72.2 27.8 71.4 28.6
Middle managers 60.6 39.4 60.0 40.0 59.3 40.7
Executives + Middle managers 61.2 38.8 60.6 39.4 59.9 40.1
Professional areas 37.3 62.7 37 63 36.9 63.1
Positions reporting directly to the CEO [%] 2021 2022 2023
% Women over the total of first level reports 6 6 6
% Women over the total of second level reports 20 21 24
% Women over the total of first and second level reports 18 19 23
  2021 2022 2023
Average age of employees Italy  Abroad Group Italy  Abroad Group Italy  Abroad Group
Average age of employees 48.5 41.1 46.8 48.9 41.2 47.1 49.1 41.1 47.2
Men 49.5 41.5 48.1 49.9 41.5 48.3 50.0 41.2 48.3
Women 47.4 40.8 45.6 48.0 41.1 46.1 48.3 41.1 46.3
Middle managament 54.3 47.2 52.4 52.0 46.5 51.2 52.0 46.4 51.3
Professional areas 45.9 39.3 44.0 46.4 39.5 44.4 46.6 39.4 44.5

Figures for Italy for leading banks are as follows: average age of employees (48.5), men (49.4), women (47.5), executives (53.5), middle managers (51.4) and professional areas (46.0).

Diversity: professional development

Also in 2023, commitments aimed at guaranteeing fair opportunities in the hiring and promotion processes to roles of responsibility were subject to continuous observation.

  2021 2022 2023
Number of promotions by gender Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Total 5,922 2,227 8.,49 6,054 3,192 9,246 5,729 2,165 7,894
Men [No.] 2,688 908 3,596 2,798 1,521 4,319 2,682 943 3,625
Women [No.] 3,234 1,319 4,553 3,256 1,671 4,927 3,047 1,222 4,269
Staff promoted [%] 7 .9 10.1 8.4 8.3 14.6 9.7 8.0 9.9 8.4
Men [% of staff promoted] 45.4 40.9 44.1 46.2 47.7 46.7 46.8 43.6 45.9
Women [% of staff promoted] 54.6 59.2 55.9 53.8 52.3 53.3 53.2 56.4 54.1
  2021 2022 2023
Women/men base salary and remuneration ratio - FTE* [%] Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Ratio of gross base salary women vs. men - FTE                  
Executives** 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7
Top Executive       0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.8
Senior Executive       0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8
Other Executives       0.9 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7
Middle managers 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9
Professional areas 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0,9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9
Ratio of total remuneration women vs. men - FTE                  
Executives** 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7
Top Executive       0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8
Senior Executive       0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8
Other Executives       0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7
Middle managers 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Professional areas 1.0 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9

Basic salary is annual, before tax. Remuneration is calculated as the salary plus any bonus/reward system. 
* The reported figures are calculated on the basis of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees in order to provide a more accurate and truthful representation of average wages and salaries on the basis of gender and professional category. 
** The segmentation of Executives into Top Executives, Senior Executives and Other Executives is defined on the basis of the mapping system of the organisational managerial positions within the company referred to as Global Banding.


In 2023, the training hours used reached a total of over 26 million, exceeding half of the target set in the Business Plan of 50 million hours, as evidence of the Group’s strong interest in developing and updating the skills of its resources. The level of satisfaction among the Group’s people (78% for digital training and 98% for live training) is high, in line with those already achieved in previous years.


  2021 2022 2023
Training by professional category [hours]* Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Executives 115.558 40.747 156.305 96.048 52.641 148.688 107.615 55.348 162.963
Men 91.267 20.911 112.178 70.659 25.549 96.208 80.498 28.784 109.282
Women 24.291 19.836 44.127 25.389 27.091 52.480 27.117 26.565 53.682
Middle managers 4.553.223 301.440 4.854.663 4.033.695 353.753 4.387.449 4.389.997 352.392 352.392
Men 2.784.903 130.319 2.915.222 2.401.926 170.442 170.442 2.584.090 172.878 2.756.967
Women 1.768.320 171.121 1.939.441 1.631.770 183.312 1.815.081 1.805.908 179.515 1.985.422
Professional area 6.670.225 1.340.142 8.010.367 6.267.320 1.658.212 7.925.532 6.730.031 1.619.719 8.349.751
Men 2.616.314 329.027 2.945.341 2.435.451 421.220 2.856.671 2.596.148 448.634 3.044.783
Women 4.053.910 1.011.116 5.065.026 3.831.869 1.236.992 5.068.860 4.133.883 1.171.085 5.304.968
Total 11.339.006 1.682.329 13.021.335 10.397.063 2.064.606 12.461.669 11.227.644 2.027.460 13.255.103
Men 5.492.485 480.256 5.972.741 4.908.036 617.211 5.525.247 5.260.736 650.296 5.911.031
Women 5.846.521 1.202.073 7.048.594 5.489.027 1.447.395 6.936.422 5.966.908 1.377.164 7.344.072

* The figures are shown on the basis of a recalculation that takes into account training effectiveness parameters. The figures do not include the hours of training provided to employees that left during the year.

  2021   2022   2023  
Training by professional category [n° partecipants] Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Executives 1,268 445 1,713 1,264 460 1,724 1,317 469 1,786
Men 998 273 1,271 971 279 1,250 997 285 1,282
Women 270 172 442 293 181 474 320 184 504
Middle managers 31,174 4,500 35,674 30,848 4,666 35,514 30,608 4,528 35,136
Men 19,115 2,480 21,595 18,760 2,566 21,326 18,416 2,425 20,841
Women 12,059 2,020 14,079 12,088 2,100 14,188 12,192 2,103 14,295
Professionals 41,114 15,071 56,185 40,101 15,271 55,372 39,235 15,553 54,788
Men 16,166 4,649 20,815 15,727 4,728 20,455 15,318 4,883 20,201
Women 24,948 10,422 35,370 24,374 10,543 34,917 23,917 10,670 34,587
Total 73,556 20,016 93,572 72,213 20,397 92,610 71,160 20,550 91,710
Men 36,279 7,402 43,681 35,458 7,573 43,031 34,731 7,593 42,324
Women 37,277 12,614 49,891 36,755 12,824 49,579 36,429 12,957 49,386
  2021   2022   2023  
Training by category and gender [average hours]* Italia Estero Gruppo Italia Estero Gruppo Italia Estero Gruppo
Executive 39.1 46.3 41.1 39.8 57.4 44.6 44.1 69.1 50.8
Men 38.7 37.9 38.5 36.7 44.9 38.6 42.4 61,0 46.5
Women 40.9 59.4 48.4 50.1 76,0 60.4 49.6 81.1 61.4
Middle managers 51.8 36.4 49.7 47.5 39.8 46.4 51.6 41,0 50.2
Men 51.9 29.2 49.1 46.8 34.6 45.3 51,0 35.8 49.1
Women 51.5 45.3 50.6 48.5 46.2 48.2 52.6 47,0 51.8
Professional areas 55.9 44.8 52.7 54.3 55.6 54.7 59.4 54.6 58,0
Men 56,0 38.6 51.9 54.3 48.1 52.8 59.3 48,0 56.5
Women 55.8 47.7 53.3 54.3 58.9 55.8 59.5 57.6 58.9
Hours of training per employee [No.]* 53.9 43,0 51.4 51.2 52.1 51.4 55.8 52,0 54.9

* Hours defined as the duration of the teaching units used.


  2021   2022   2023  
Classroom training [% of hours]* 3.2 34.4 7.2 3.9 32.8 8.7 3.6 34.3 8.3
Remote training [% of hours]* 96.8 65.6 92.8 96.1 67.2 91.3 96.4 65.7 91.7
Number of persons registered 73,556 20,016 93,572 72,213 20,397 92,610 71,160 20,550 91,710
Hours of training provided (classroom + remote learning) [No.]* 11,339,006 1,682,329 13,021,335 10,397,063 2,064,606 12,461,669 11,227,644 2,027,460 13,255,103

* The figures are shown on the basis of a recalculation that takes into account training effectiveness parameters. The figures do not include the hours of training provided to employees that left during the year.

Employee satisfaction
  2021 2022* 2023
Company climate Italy Abroad Italy Italy Abroad  
Climate analysis [% taking part in the survey out of the selected sample] 62.3 55.7     70.8 77.9
Employee satisfaction index [%] 76.0* 73     84 81
Change in the employee satisfaction index compared to the previous period 7 -5     8 8
Climate analysis [No.] 1 1     1 1
Internal communication events [No.] 232 387 423 576 452 726
Focus group [No.] 12 39 6 33 10 40
Participants in focus groups [No.] 120 4,012 48 5,968 80 5,551

* Survey carried out among Professional Areas and Middle Managers. 
** No climate surveys were conducted in 2022.

Freedom of collective bargaining

The importance of the Group’s people is evident in the company’s full protection of workers’ rights and is also guaranteed through the development of strong industrial relations with the trade unions, promoting a dialogue between the parties to face the various stages of growth and reorganization of the Group.


  2021   2022   2023  
Trade union freedom Italy  Abroad Group Italy  Abroad Group Italy  Abroad Group
Employees registered with a trade union [No.] 54,502 6,511 61,012 52.776 6.431 59,207 5 50.828 6.092 56.92
Executives 231 49 280 237 52 289 238 50 288
Middle managers 22,026 2,133 24.159 21.357 2.068 23.425 20.851 1.813 22.664
Professional areas 32,245 4,329 36,574 31.182 4.311 35.493 29.739 4.229 33.967
Employees registered with a trade union [%]* 77.1 30.4 66.2 76.2 29.8 65.2 74.7** 28.2 63.5
Days of absence for trade union reasons (all permits for trade unionists) 84,745 129 84,874 93,948 131 94.078 99,422  85 99.507
Days of absence for meetings/strikes (also employees who are not trade unionists) 1,466 131 1.597 1.197 131 1.328 10.957 89 11.045
Men 765 67 832 539 49 588 4.633 26 4.659
Women 701 64 765 658 82 739 6.324 63 6.386
Days of absence for involvement in strikes 1.039   1,039 620   620 1.634   1.634
Men 552   552 291   291 733   733
Women 487   487 329   329 901   901
Days of absence for meetings 427 131 558 578 131 708 9.323 89 9.411
Men 213 67 280 248 49 297 3.9 26 3.926
Women 214 64 278 329 82 411 5.423 63 5.485

"The industry National Collective Bargaining Agreement covers all employees in Italy and 55.2% of employees abroad. With reference to employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, it should be noted that in most of the countries where the Group operates, employment contracts are governed by local labour laws. In some cases, employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements are subject to the same conditions that apply to employees covered by the agreements; in other cases (for example, employees with senior management contracts) the contractual conditions are defined on an individual basis."                                                                                                  
* Data were recalculated on the basis of the Full Time Equivalents - FTEs. 
** The percentage of employees in Italy covered by the collective bargaining agreement for the credit sector that are members of a trade union is 76.13%.

Welfare and well-being of the Group’s people

The corporate welfare system aims to act for the best balance of the private and professional life of employees and their families with the aim of promoting sustainable solutions and projects consistent with their expectations.


  2021 2022 2023
Contributions for staff
[K euro]
Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Insurance and accident policies 25.245 1.089 26.334 20.299 693 20.992 12.509 854 13.363
Loyalty bonus 9.602 274 9.876 9.742 672 10.413 12.509 700 8.756
Study contributions for employees'
7.288 176 7.465 7.117 132 7.248 5.186 99 5.285
Recreational and cultural activities 3.566 1.791 5.357 3.789 1.133 4,922 3.993 4,229 5.436
Contributions for employees' children
with disabilities 
6.567 31 6.598 6.925 29 6.954 8.57 49 8.62
  2021     2022     2023    
Supplementary healthcare
and welfare
Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Contributions paid by the Bank for
supplementary healthcare assistance
[K euro]
83.674 3.511 87.186 96.424 4.485 100.909 104.506 3.889 108.395
Health assistance: persons assisted
74.854 10.282 85.136 75.078 10.225 85.303 72.891 12.802 85.693
Contributions paid by the Bank for
supplementary retirement benefits
[K euro]
172.862 4.128 176.99 174.172 4.083 178.255 175.748 4.171 179.918
Supplementary retirement benefits:
persons assisted [No.]
79.577 3.079 82.656 73.064 3.299 76.363 71.584 3.414 74.998
    2021     2022     2023  
Credit facilities for staff Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Mortgages [No.] 4.028 916 4.944 3.671 1.057 4.728 2.068 538 2.606
Total mortgages disbursed [K euro]  680.72 68.578 749.298 625.372 87.163 712.535 319.484 28.241 347.725
Loans [No.] 19.149 6.215 25.364 25.6 5.286 30.886 25.479 3.774 29.253
Total loans disbursed [K euro] 140.051 49.415 189.466 169.371 32.386 201.757 107.191 22.254 129.445

Loans granted to all personnel with an open-ended contract, with the exception of loans at special rates granted to staff with apprenticeships.

Employees' safety
  2021 2022 2023
Injuries by type [No.] Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Total injuries  485 41 526 474 46 520 507 59 566
Injuries while driving 196 8 204 198 19 217 202 14 216
Falls/slipping 237 15 252 138 16 154 221 24 245
Robberies 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 52 17 69 138 11 149 84 21 105
  2021     2022     2023    
Serious injuries and deaths [No.] Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Cases presented for occupational
4 0 4 8 0 8 8 0 8
Serious/very serious injuries 152 3 155 111 7 118 94 7 101
Injuries at work 57 2 59 28 1 29 27 6 33
Injuries on the way to/from work 95 1 96 83 6 89 67 1 68
Serious/very serious injuries
with res judicata sentence
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Deaths at work, with res judicata
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  2021     2022     2023    
Training on health and safety Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group Italy Abroad Group
Hours of training on health and
164.097 31.404 195.5 69.268 30.699 199.967 87.906 33.276 121.182
Employees who have attended health
and safety training [No.]
27.458 9.588 37.046 25.116 9.224 34.34 31.224 9.754 40.978
Employees who have attended health
and safety training [%]
37 44 38 34 42 36 43 45 44
Costs of health and safety training
[K euro]
217 27 244 7 264 270 8 55 62
Hours of health and safety training
per employee
2.2 1.4 2.0 2.3 1.4 2.1 1.2 1.5 1.3

* Hours defined as the duration of the teaching units used.

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