How to apply for a donation
Before submitting a donation request through the Charity Fund’s dedicated area, organizations are invited to read the contents of the Regulation and the Guidelines.
Submit your project
Register or log in to the Charity Fund’s dedicated area to submit a new application or complete your request
(*italian only)
We inform the organizations that proposals for medical research projects to be implemented in the current year will be taken into consideration only if they are received by the month of May.
Who can submit a request
Requests for donations can be presented only by non-profit organisations, duly constituted in accordance with the law and registered in a public register. The organisations must have their headquarters in Italy. Even for entities that draw up certified financial statements they must have procedures, including accounting, which allow an easy verification of the consistency between the objectives stated and those actually pursued.
- organizations involved in known legal disputes, in matters involving organized crime and violations of human rights, peaceful coexistence and environmental protection*;
- recreational groups;
- service clubs such as Lions, Rotary, etc;
- trade unions and patronage organisations;
- political parties, political movements and their organizational structures;
- regions, Provinces or Municipalities, except for specific initiatives of particular social, cultural or scientific importance.
* In this regard, the requesting organization must provide a self-certification of the honourability requirements included in the request forms. In case of a false declaration, the benefits will be forfeit and sums unduly received will be returned, applying the Art. 8 paragraph 3.
The projects for which a donation is requested must be consistent with the indications published on this site. The commercial and promotional initiatives of the Bank and the Group are excluded. Sponsored initiatives cannot, at the same time, be the beneficiaries of donations.
There is a rotation mechanism that guarantees the widest, most varied and flexible use of the Fund and the maximum limit is three consecutive years for the same project. It is understood that, in the case of multi-year projects initially approved and supported only for the first year, it will be necessary to resubmit the request for subsequent years.
Types of requests and evaluations
The requests are divided into:
- LOCAL DONATIONS, maximum amount* €5,000;
- CENTRAL DONATIONS, amount* over €5,000.
* the amount refers to the contribution requested to the Fund
Requests are evaluated every year between January and December. The disbursements take place throughout the year, progressively exhausting the available budget.
Interested parties are therefore invited to submit their application as soon as possible. Please remember that projects will not be selected in chronological order (except research projects), but on the basis of their potential social impact. The organizations will be duly informed of the outcome of the evaluation process of the projects presented.
Budget template
For central donations, at the end of the project, there is an obligation to return a reporting form of the activities carried out and the results obtained, including the summary of expenses and copies of all the expense receipts. As regards local donations, a sample report may be requested at the end of the project including a report on the activities carried out and a copy of the expense receipts.
In order to report correctly, please follow the instructions in the appropriate guide.
Reporting forms
Reporting guide
If the sum disbursed is not fully used due to variations or difficulties related to the carrying out of the activities, it is necessary to contact the office as soon as possible, in order to identify the best way to use the surplus amount.
* To this end the applicant entity must supply self-certification of conformity to integrity requirements stated in the application form - if a false statement is made, the entity will be subject to the loss of funding and subsequent reimbursement of the sums unduly received, as set out in Article 8 paragraph 3.
Non profit testimony
SEED, against Gender Discrimination
Libellula talks about SEED project, aimed at promoting an inclusive culture and combating all forms of discrimination, particularly gender-based.
Providing support in Ukraine
Discover the story of Médecins Sans Frontières and emergency aid in Ukraine.
Last updated 6 March 2025 at 12:34:42