
Students and graduates

If you are about to finish or you have just finished your studies, at Intesa Sanpaolo you can find a rich offer of internships to start your professional career or full time positions to continue growing with us.

Students and graduate's opportunities

Choose the professional area that inspires you the most and discover its open positions.

Intesa Sanpaolo's Internship

Image depicting people discussing their working future

At Intesa Sanpaolo we believe that an internship provides important training to develop your skills and allow you to learn and know more about a profession. 

You will have the opportunity to enrich your experience, interacting with professionals in the industry and collaborating on projects as a team.

Your thesis with Intesa Sanpaolo

Image depicting people deciding how to write their thesis, studying in the Intesa Sanpaolo world

Are busy preparing your thesis?

If you want to learn more about issues relating to our Group, send us your application: we will assess what the most suitable support could be, from recommending sources to interacting with our professionals.

Email us at info.tesi@intesasanpaolo.com

Join the team

Do not miss the opportunity to join our team, bring your contribution and acquire new skills

Find our opportunities

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