Support for families, young people, the elderly, people affected by natural disaster and remittance management
To meet the needs and difficulties of families and the most vulnerable social groups, Intesa Sanpaolo guarantees innovative financial solutions, by also adhering to different types of support initiatives at the banking system level, such as the set-up of guarantee funds and the option of a temporary suspension of the payment of mortgage instalments for households affected by job losses or pay cuts.
The Fund for Impact, a management credit limit generator, was established in 2019 and confirmed in the 2022-2025 Business Plan. It makes it possible to encourage the credit inclusion of categories of profit individuals and legal entities who, otherwise, would not have such characteristics to be able to access it. The credit products developed under the Fund for Impact innovate and expand the range of loans to support families and individuals with difficulty in accessing credit, mamma@work, a loan available from 2020 intended for new working mothers, so that they can reconcile professional life with family life, thus avoiding penalizing choices such as giving up work. In 2023, the product financed 122 mothers (approximately 362 since the initiative was launched), for a total amount of approximately 2.2 million euro.
Intesa Sanpaolo participates in the Guarantee Fund for Main Home Purchases, established by the 2014 Italian Stability Law. The so-called “Sostegni-bis” Italian Decree published in May 2021 refinanced the Fund for the years 2021 and 2022.
Also in 2022, the Bank offered mortgages to priority individuals at favourable conditions ranging from exemption/cancellation of the substitute tax, to the possibility of accessing high Loan To Value (LTV) also with the guarantee of the State and the benefit of very competitive rates. As at December 2022, almost 39,000 mortgages were disbursed with a value of about 5 billion euro.
The Group also signed up to the Agreement for women victims of violence which ABI and the main trade unions also signed. For women included in certified security programmes, who are in economic difficulty, the agreement provides for the suspension of repayment of the principal in mortgages and personal loans for a period of 18 months. When signing up to the Agreement, the Bank also provided for the suspension of the entire instalment to offer greater support. In November 2021, the protocol was extended for a further two years.
in October 2022 Intesa Sanpaolo prepared a package of aid, totalling 8 billion euro, to assist households following the significant increase in energy costs (higher electricity and gas bills) and main consumer goods. The initiative is organised around three main measures:
- promotion of “XME Spensierata” (from 1 October to 31 December) to pay expenses and energy bills by instalments and to ask for immediate liquidity at zero interest rate with repayment in 3 or 6 months;
- new personal loan “Oggi Insieme” (from 1 October) which can only be taken out at branches for amounts of up to 6,000 euro for 20 years with a highly discounted rate and dedicated to families with an ISEE of less than €40,000;
- flexibility options (from 1 October to 31 December) with no charge for existing mortgages and new mortgage applications.
Agreements with Foundations and Associations (e.g. Adiconsum, Exodus 94, Fondazione San Nicola Medici, etc.) foster credit inclusion for disadvantaged individuals and companies. The guarantees financed with the Usury Prevention Fund allow loans to be raised from the banking system, thus preventing the financial exclusion of weak individuals who might otherwise turn to illegal credit channels.
Young people
It is essential to invest in young people, giving them a sign of confidence and involvement, to promote new ways of communicating and interacting with the future customers.
For this reason we have developed a specific product range:
- “Mutuo Giovani” Youth Mortgage: dedicated to young people under 36 years of age, with an offer that facilitates this segment of customers in purchasing their first home by accepting requests up to 100% of the value of the property and providing preferential rates, elimination of preliminary costs and installment collection costs. It can also be requested by workers with atypical contracts and increasing protections. Mutuo Giovani has thus gained a position on the market which sees the Group as the main financier of this target customer base. The disbursements at the end of December 2023 (excluding the First Home Guarantee Fund, for which please refer to the previous paragraph) are approximately 1.4 billion euro to over 11,300 young people
- per Merito the loan dedicated to students of age and resident in Italy, enrolled in a post-diploma or post-graduate study course (Italian, Foreign University, Afam, ITS, Higher Professional Training Institutes). The loan, without guarantees, allows students to invest in their future and conduct their studies with financial support, which does not require any guarantee. Active since 2019, in 2023 it financed over 11 thousand students, granting them over 66 million euro.
- XME UP Account! (dedicated to minors) offers a current account fee, a debit card, free bank transfers and ATM withdrawals and with stamp duty paid by the Bank. During 2023, commissions on other payment services were also eliminated (for example the Flash Nominativa prepaid card). During the year, 65,057 contracts were signed. Furthermore, until the end of November 2023, new customers aged up to 35 who opened an XME Account were able to benefit from the same benefits dedicated to the XME UP Account!
- SMART SAVE, the first of the investment services designed from a digital perspective which allows you to subscribe to funds starting from 5 euro and manage all operations directly from the App. During 2023, 4,372 contracts were signed;
- Prepaid Flash Up Studio for students of affiliated universities. It can be requested free of charge directly from the App: it can be used to make payments, receive scholarships, any emoluments and, if applicable, allows you to use university services and access university premises.
In the field of innovation combined with financial education was realized within the App Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile, the Smaller version of the digital wallet XME Wallet with the aim of providing the minors holders of XME Account UP! With more than eight years and a certified mobile phone, the first "digital" banking tool that allows you to:
- manage by App (within the limits of operation allowed to this target) bank reports
- making financial education, accompanying the child in the path of accountability, independence and conscious management of their relationships and financial resources.
Not only services and solution dedicated to young people, but also a new communication language at Branches and online, with a dedicated section of the Bank’s website, a Facebook page and a Twitter account , which allow young customers to request information and insights as well as assistance on products and initiatives dedicated.
The Bank's ongoing commitment to fostering the educational development of young people, including post-graduate students, finds expression in "Per Merito", a product that is aimed, by allowing access to credit, to particularly deserving students from every university and faculty, including who wish to enroll in foreign universities or masters, in any economic and social condition, as the loan does not require any personal or family guarantee.
Also in the field of training, in 2021, within the Fund For Impact, "Per Crescere" -a loan dedicated to parents with children of school age- was made available, aimed at supporting training and education costs such as language courses or expenses. for psychomotor and speech therapy. Families with ISEE not exceeding 40,000 euros can access it, who are granted a credit line of 2,000 or 3,000 euros per year for a maximum period of 5 years. At the end it is possible to return the sums used in 15 years.
The products and services dedicated to this type of customer take into consideration specific needs of simplicity and enhancement of the relationship with the Bank which has been consolidated over time. Among the dedicated products:
- Pension Card: prepaid card, offered free of charge to over 60s, which allows you to make payments, receive credit for your pension, receive and make transfers, domiciliary utilities. The range dedicated to Senior customers is completed by the Basic Account created in compliance with regulations introduced in 2012 for the purpose of financial inclusion. The account is dedicated to customers with limited banking needs and provides for low management costs, in particular for socially disadvantaged customers and, given the purposes of this product, Intesa Sanpaolo has made the Basic Account even more convenient, guaranteeing a greater number of transactions free of charge with respect to the limits established by law.
- In terms of financing, Obiettivo Pensione allows you to reach the contribution requirements for obtaining a pension. It is aimed at senior, unemployed customers who are no less than 6 months and no more than 3 years away from their old-age or early INPS pension. Thanks to Objective Pension it is possible to have the economic resources necessary to pay the social security contributions needed to reach the pension requirements. The debt can be repaid with Prestitalia's Salary-Backed Pension, at a fixed and dedicated rate, with a maximum duration of 10 years or alternatively/in addition, a personal loan with a maximum duration of 10 years.
- PerTe Prestito Vitalizio: medium-long term loan regulated by law 44/2015, dedicated to customers over 60 who own a property for residential use. It aims to satisfy various needs of interested elderly people, such as. that of supplementing one's income, safeguarding and improving one's standard of living, meeting periodic health expenses or supporting one's family members. In exchange for a first degree mortgage, it allows you to obtain liquidity by converting part of the value of the property used as collateral into cash. It also represents an advantageous alternative to bare ownership.
Families and operators affected by natural disaster
We have confirmed our concrete and tangible commitment alongside families and economic operators affected by environmental calamities or other catastrophes that have affected various areas of the Italian territory, in 2022, such as the Marches, the province of Trapani, the island of Ischia and the regions particularly affected by drought (Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Piedmont and Veneto), through the activation of dedicated plafond, the provision of new subsidized loans intended for the restoration of damaged structures (houses, shops, offices, craft workshops, companies), moratoriums on ongoing loans, interventions in the field of protection and preferential, simplified and fast procedures.
Intesa Sanpaolo has developed an offer of various services that best meet the needs expressed by migrant customers (at the end of 2019, about 1.2 million customers) who want to transfer their savings in the countries of origin.
The services offered are essentially structured as follows
- Express to Family allows the transfer of money to the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Banks in Albania, Egypt, Serbia and Ukraine
- GetMoney to Family allows you to send money to the main countries of origin of migrants (Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Ecuador, India, Morocco, Moldova, Peru, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Vietnam) thanks to cooperation agreements with banks on site
- Money Transfer Western Union, thanks to the extensive network of agents allows to transfer money around the world even in areas that, due to the low presence of banks and financial institutions, do not allow the profitable use of traditional banking services.
Also in 2022, to facilitate customers in this difficult period, an agreement was reached with Western Union to cut costs to 0% or 50% for remittances made through Money Transfer during the period June - October. During 2022, about 57,000 remittances were made for a total of almost 36 million euro.
Permanent observatory on financial inclusion project
In recent years, interest and attention to the issue of financial inclusion has grown. Various national and international initiatives, also of a regulatory nature, have brought to light the role that financial inclusion can have in reducing inequalities and in full access to rights.
In 2021, a Permanent Observatory on Financial Inclusion was set up to systematize the connections between all the players met over time in the working groups, inside and outside the Bank, in institutions, research centres, universities, foundations and in order not to waste the wealth of people, proposals and knowledge acquired with the first phase of the study project on the financial inclusion of migrants (2018-2020).
The objective of the Permanent Observatory, in addition to constantly monitoring the phenomenon of financial exclusion and measuring the effectiveness of the measures and strategies adopted, is therefore to facilitate network connections and the advancement of concrete proposals at system level. A second phase of the project was launched in 2023 with the provision of a new edition of the 2018 study, updating the work to the latest data available after the pandemic crisis and the subsequent one crisis linked to the Ukrainian conflict which had a significant impact on migrants.
Last updated 19 July 2024 at 16:03:36