
Promoting innovation

Main objectives and results*

Digital payment 266 m

vs 136.8m in 2022, 2025 target of 75m

New Isybank digital bank launched

completely released in June2023, in line with the target of the 2022-2025 Business Plan

646 innovation projects launched

as at 31.12.2024 out of a 2022-2025 target of 800

Commitment to innovation

2022-2025 Business Plan: 2023 results
2022-2025 Business Plan Objectives
Description Results as at 31.12.2023 (where not specified)
New Digital Bank Creation of a new Digital Bank to effectively serve a significant portion of ISP customers who do not visit branches

The commercial launch of Isybank in June 2023 with the App release on the iOS and Android stores; launch of Isybank’s new official showcase website

The plan for the transfer of the business unit from Intesa Sanpaolo to Isybank was defined and the first planned migration of customers was completed

Digital payments Further growth in the payments sector with strategic partnerships by increasing digital payments by 50% to around 75 million in 2025 from 51 million in 2021 266 million digital payments (~136.8 million in 2022)
Innovation projects

Promotion of innovation with the launch of around 800 projects in 2022-2025 
Development of multidisciplinary applied research projects

Development of international innovation ecosystems by coordinating the network of relationships with businesses, incubators, research centres, universities and other local and international organisations

Support for high-potential start-ups

Dissemination of a mindset/culture in the field of innovation through events and new educational formats

204 innovation projects launched in 2023 (405 projects launched since 2022)

In particular:

Development of multidisciplinary applied research projects, of which 16 ongoing projects in the neuroscience, artificial intelligence and robotics fields

Implementation of initiatives for the growth of startups and development of innovation ecosystems in the cities of Turin, Florence, Naples and Venice, Ancona and Taranto

In Action ESG Climate: second edition of the initiative promoted by the Insurance Division with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center for the development of new solutions to combat climate change and support ecological transition through technological innovation and the development of new business models. In July, 4 companies (among the ~140 candidates) were awarded an overall contribution of ~0.6 million euro. In the two editions, a total of 7 companies were awarded for a total amount of 1.1 million euro

Up2Stars: second edition of the initiative aimed at 40 start-ups; the acceleration of the start-ups selected for the first call in the “Watertech” sector was completed. The acceleration of 10 start-ups in the field of “Renewable energy and energy efficiency” is underway and the call for applications on “AI for business transformation” has been closed. Overall ~200 applications received in 2023 for the three pathways

Promotion of innovation with the launch of around 800 projects in 2022-2025

Development of multidisciplinary applied research projects

Development of international innovation ecosystems by coordinating the network of relationships with businesses, incubators, research centres, universities and other local and international organisations

Support for high-potential start-ups

Dissemination of a mindset/culture in the field of innovation through events and new educational formats

Business transformation: since 2022, 43 companies have been involved in open innovation programmes, 6 of which have been involved in transformative projects in the circular economy field

Spread of the mindset/culture of innovation: in 2023, 36 positioning and match-making events were held, with >3,000 participants (since 2022, 68 events with >5,200 participants

NEVA SGR investments in startups Support to high-potential startups by providing nonfinancial services (e.g. acceleration programmes) and in connection/with the support of venture capital funds, also thanks to NEVA SGR: €100m of investments in startups in 2022-2025 Neva SGR: in 2023 ~31 million euro of investments in startups, >85 million euro from 2022. Presentation of the new Neva II Global and Neva II Europe funds that will be launched in the second half of 2024
Blocking of fraudulent transactions Strengthening of cybersecurity ~41 million euro of fraudulent transactions blocked for retail customers and ~26 million euro for corporate customers
Hires in the tech domain Insourcing or reallocation to IT roles and high added values activities: ~2,000 new hires in the tech domain 686 employees hired in the tech domain
Training to Group personnel on cybersecurity Providing Group’s people with excellent training on critical skills for the digital transition 83,344 participants; 122,306 hours provided

The digital transformation of Intesa Sanpaolo continues with the launch of Isybank. This project is one of the pillars of the 2022-2025 Business Plan. This is a further step towards making our Group an example of best practice in the technological sphere as well. It is a break with the bank's past, which will enable it to be a leader on the European market in terms of operational efficiency and innovation in the service of its customers. At the same time, the digital competencies of the bank's core business continue to be reinforced decisively, with a focus on growth drivers, through significant investments in human capital and the development of a business model that has proven successful due to its diversification and resilience.

Carlo Messina, CEO

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