
Commitment to environment and climate

Main objectives and results

-9% emissions Scope1+2 vs 2021

Carbon neutrality of own emissions by 2030, Net-Zero by 2050 relating to the loan, investment portfolios and wealth management

-22% absolute financed emissions

vs 2022 in high emissions sectors defined by NZBA

Think Forestry project

commitment to restoring and increasing natural capital

Environmental protection and attention to climate change are key dimensions of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's responsibility and the importance of this commitment is first of all reaffirmed in the group's values ​​and in the codes and rules that guide its way of operating.

Clear examples of this are the Code of Ethics, the Rules for the environmental and energy policy, the Guidelines for the governance of environmental social and governance risks (ESG) and, in order to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, also the Rules for the coal sector and the Rules on Oil&Gas sector.

Thanks to these foundations, the Bank is able to set up action plans and processes that allow it to manage its activities, environmental risks and related mitigation actions in an integrated and constructive way.

Environment and climate change: discover all the objectives and the results

2022-2025 Business Plan: 2023 results
Plan Objectives for 2022-2025
Description Results as at 31 December 2023
(where not specified)
Containment of
CO2 emissions 

Carbon neutrality of own emissions by 20301

Net Zero by 2050 with regard to both its own emissions and those relating to the loan and investment portfolios, asset management and the insurance business - with participation in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), the Net-Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI), the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) and the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA)

Scope1 + 2 Market-based2: 69,067 tCO2 eq -9% vs 2022

This result was achieved through continuous improvement in terms of energy efficiency, space optimisation and progressive transition of the company fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles. This is also confirmed by the downtrend in electricity consumption, which stood at -8% compared to the previous year.

Energy consumption

100% renewable energy at Group level in 2030 (level already reached in Italy in 2021)

Maintenance of electricity production levels from photovoltaic energy

Renewable electricity purchased versus total purchases: ~88.2% 

Electricity produced from renewable sources: 1,387 MWh (+3.2% vs 2022)

Responsible management of resources Responsible use of resources

Paper purchased: 4,094 t, -5.4% vs 2022

Environmentally-friendly paper purchased (including recycled paper) vs total: 88.7% 

ISO 14001 and 50001 certified scope: 100% of Intesa Sanpaolo sites in Italy and CIB Bank in Hungary

Natural capital protection and restoration

Commitment to restoring and increasing natural capital, directly and with loans dedicated to corporate customers

Adoption of a specific policy on biodiversity

Launch of Think Forestry, a project dedicated to reforestation and the preservation of natural capital, to promote environmental sustainability and the transition towards a net zero economy
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy

New lending to support the ecological transition: 76 billion euro's worth of loans in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (2021- 2026)

Customer support through the ESG/climate transition

8 billion euro dedicated to the circular economy

Continuous expansion of the range of S-loan products dedicated to SMEs to finance projects aimed at improving their sustainability profile 

~44.9 billion euro disbursed in 2021-2023

Loans in the environmental sustainability field: ~3.7 million euro disbursed in 2023 equal to 6.2% of all loans


Circular economy credit plafond: €5.6 billion euro disbursed 



5.2 billion euro granted since launch

1-53% vs 2019 through specific medium-long term actions aimed at reducing its consumption of natural gas, diesel oil and traditional electricity. 
2 Market-based: the Scope2 data for purchased electricity considers the contribution, agreed contractually, of the guaranteed renewable source certificates, which therefore have zero emissions. 

Latest news

Insights into environmental challenges

ESG Transition

A wide and various offer of financing and consulting products, attentive to the protection of the environment around us.

Documents and indicators

Documents relating to environmental reporting and information relevant to the investors are available below.

2023 Documents
2023 Climate Report
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2023:  
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy
Climate change
Environment indicators - pdf
Environment indicators - excel  
Green and Social Bond Report 2023
 Documents of previous years
2022 TCFD Report 
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2022:  
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy
Climate Change
Environment indicators - pdf
Environment indicators - excel
2022 Green Bond Report
Green Bonds Documents
Bond issued in March 2023:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Press note
Bond issued in February 2023:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Press note
Social Bond issued in October 2022:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Investor presentation 
Press note
Bond issued in August 2022:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Investor presentation 
Press note
Bond issued in November 2019:  
Green Bond focused on Circular Economy Report - 2020
Press Release
Intesa Sanpaolo Sustainability Bond Framework
Second Party Opinion by ISS ESG 
Investor presentation
Bond issued in June 2017:
Green Bond Report 2020
Green Bond Report 2019
Green Bond Report 2018
Green Bond Framework
Green Bond Presentation
Green Bond Press Release
2023 Documents
2023 Climate Report
Green and Social Bond Report 2023
Bond issued in March 2023:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Press note
Bond issued in February 2023:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Press note
Social Bond issued in October 2022:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Investor presentation 
Press note
Bond issued in August 2022:  
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework - June 2022
Second Party Opinion ISS - June 2022
Investor presentation 
Press note
Climate Change Action Plan 
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2022:  
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy
Climate Change
Environment indicators - pdf
Environment indicators - excel
Consolidated Non-financial Statement 2021:
Transition to a sustainable, green and circular economy
Climate Change
Environment indicators - pdf
Environment indicators - excel
Consolidated Non-financial Statement as at 30 June 2021:
Environmental and Climate Change indicators
Green Bond Report 2021
Bond issued in March 2021:
Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework 
Second Party Opinion
Bond Investor Presentation
Press release
Bond issued in November 2019:  
Green Bond focused on Circular Economy Report - 2020
Press Release
Intesa Sanpaolo Sustainability Bond Framework
Second Party Opinion by ISS ESG 
Investor presentation
Bond issued in June 2017:
Green Bond Report 2020
Green Bond Report 2019
Green Bond Report 2018
Green Bond Framework
Green Bond Presentation
Green Bond Press Release
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