Image showing people from IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division

I'M IN Graduate Program

“Promoting international young talent is our priority”

IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division

The I'M IN program

Image showing London, one of the cities where the program participants will go to work. The Program logo is also present in the image.

Participating in I’M IN means taking part in a professional path of excellence, designed for recent graduates with a strong interest in growing in the world of finance. I’M IN provides an 18-month program of international and cross-functional experience within the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division and a permanent employment contract in London or Milan with a competitive remuneration package.

The program, in particular, is characterized by three 6-month job rotations within the Division’s structures, at the end of which the new colleagues will join the teams of Advisory & ESG or Global Markets

A unique opportunity in the world of Investment Banking


I’M IN provides permanent employment in London or Milan with an open-ended contract and a competitive remuneration package.


The program ensures on-the-job training in the different business areas of Corporate & Investment Banking and an intensive and accelerated growth path.


Job rotations among the Italian and foreign facilities of the Division to experience the Group's internationality and grow with us.


I’M IN offers the possibility to expand your network and exchange experiences and skills

The Program’s steps

Icon symbolising the submission of your application

Submitting your application through the Career Site.

Magnifying glass icon, symbol of the selection process

Passing all the selection process steps.

Icon showing an achieved goal, symbol of onboarding within the Program

Onboarding and joining the I’M IN Graduate Program.

Network icon symbolising Job Rotations in the Program
First Job Rotation

First 6-month job rotation.

Network icon symbolising Job Rotations in the Program
Second Job Rotation

Second 6-month job rotation.

Network icon symbolising Job Rotations in the Program
Third Job Rotation

Third 6-month job rotation.

Relationship icon to symbolise the final landing of the Program
Final Placement

Final placement in Advisory & ESG or Global Markets Area. 

Who we are looking for

Image showing people from IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division

We are looking for enthusiastic, open-minded and flexible people who can navigate dynamic and transformative work environments, capable of driving change, to grow and innovate the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division and the entire Intesa Sanpaolo Group.

Sustainability, innovation, inclusion and trust are the distinctive elements of our work and managerial style, which make people proud to join us.

By participating in I'M IN, you can help promote our approach to sustainable and responsible business. 

The selection process

Icon showing people and symbolising the application screening step

Submit your application through our Career Site. Should your profile meet the requirements, we will involve you in the next steps of the selection process.

Icon symbolising the Psychometric Test within the selection process
Psychometric Test

Take the multiple-choice test to challenge your logical/abstract and mathematical skills, but not only...

Icon of the person at the computer symbolising the video interview, stage of the selection process
Digital Video Interview

Tell about your experiences and skills by recording your asynchronous digital video interview wherever and whenever you want.

Icon showing two buildings, symbol of the Contest Day held in presence
Contest Day

Participate in a fun and challenging event day: work in teams on solving a business case, meet our managers, and get all the information about the Graduate Program of IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division.

Icon showing a goal achieved, symbolising successful onboarding within the Program

After completing the selection process, you will join the Program. 

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