
Board of Directors and Management Control Committee

Appointment and composition

The Board of Directors is composed of between a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 19 members, including non-shareholders, appointed at the Shareholders’ Meeting for a three-year term of office.

The Shareholders of Intesa Sanpaolo, at the ordinary meeting held on 29 April 2022, decided to set the number of the members of the Board of Directors at 19 and, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Articles of Association, appointed the Board of Directors for financial years 2022/2023/2024, electing Gian Maria Gros-Pietro Chair and Paolo Andrea Colombo Deputy Chair. Furthermore, the Shareholders appointed five members of the Board of Directors to the Management Control Committee, with Alberto Maria Pisani as Chair.

In accordance with the Articles of Association, candidates appointed have been drawn from the slates submitted by shareholders owning at least 0.5% of the Bank’s ordinary share capital. The candidates have declared their compliance with the requirements of professionalism, integrity, independence, competence, fairness, time commitment, and the limits on the total number of directorships prescribed by the law and the current regulations.

The Board of Directors is currently composed as follows:

Gian Maria Gros-Pietro Chair 04/02/1942  29/04/2022 -
Paolo Andrea Colombo Deputy Chair 12/04/1960  29/04/2022
Carlo Messina (*) Managing Director and CEO 06/04/1962  29/04/2022

Franco Ceruti Director 13/06/1952 29/04/2022
Paola Tagliavini Director 23/10/1968

Liana Logiurato Director

Luciano Nebbia
Director 01/09/1953 29/04/2022
Bruno Picca Director 30/03/1950  29/04/2022

Livia Pomodoro Director 21/04/1940  29/04/2022
Maria Alessandra Stefanelli Director 27/01/1964  29/04/2022
Bruno Maria Parigi Director 21/12/1957
Daniele Zamboni (1) 

Director 21/07/1959  29/04/2022
Maria Mazzarella (1) 

Director 10/08/1950  29/04/2022
Anna Gatti (1) 

Director 30/01/1972  29/04/2022

Fabrizio Mosca Director 07/06/1968  29/04/2022

Milena Teresa Motta Director 29/03/1959 29/04/2022

Maria Cristina Zoppo Director 14/11/1971  29/04/2022

Alberto Maria Pisani (1) 

Chair of the MCC 08/02/1955  29/04/2022

Roberto Franchini (1) 


Functions of the Board of Directors and the Management Control Committee

The Board of Directors performs strategic supervision and management functions regarding matters within the remit of non-delegated powers. It confers and revokes related powers to/from the Managing Director and CEO appointed from its members. It sets the compensation of the CEO and the other members to whom it has assigned additional specific duties, in line with the remuneration policies approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Within the Board of Directors, the Management Control Committee performs the control functions, with specific reference to the duties that the current regulations assign to the control body and is entrusted with all the powers, including those of inspection and reporting to the Authorities, in accordance with the law and supervisory regulations.

Management and control positions held by Board Directors

Click here to view the number of management and control positions that Board Directors hold in other companies (financial, banking, insurance or large-sized companies, including those listed in regulated markets, both in Italy and abroad).  

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