
Intesa Sanpaolo and ADAPT Foundation together for "Skill Alliance"

The research project "Skill Alliance - Higher education apprenticeships for obtaining the ITS diploma: data, experiences, perspectives" explores the virtuous connections existing between Higher Technological Institutes (ITS) and higher education apprenticeships.

The project is part of the Intesa Sanpaolo project panel which aims at the socio-economic growth of the country and the centrality of education and research and has the aim of:
 - promoting inclusion by helping to guarantee each individual the right to study
 - encouraging employability by creating real system actions
 - raising awareness among client and non-client companies operating in the sectors in which the various ITSs so that they become proactive proximity operators.

The project was divided into two distinct phases that produced as many publications. 

The first phase, thanks to the interviews and to the moments of confrontation realized with the same Foundations ITS, has allowed to collect important data and information about the diffusion of the apprenticeship for the attainment of the diploma ITS, its strengths and how to overcome any critical issues encountered.
Read the report of the 1st Phase

The second phase aimed to deepen in more detail the governance of the ITS Foundations and how these, at local level, adapt to the needs expressed by the productive fabric, also using innovative forms of teaching.
Read the Report of the 2 Phase

From the search the importance of a simplification of the enforced norm dedicated to the apprenticeship has emerged, so like the preview of structural incentives for enterprises and Foundations ITS finalized to the activation of distances in apprenticeship of high formation and search.
Read the tips of Policy

Project Skill Alliance - The moments of presentation of research and promotion in the territories

Presentation of the 1st phase of the research

On 4 October, Intesa Sanpaolo and the ADAPT Foundation presented the Skill Alliance research project - Higher education apprenticeships for achieving the ITS diploma: data, experiences, perspectives. The paper produced has the ambition of providing concrete ideas to create synergies between companies and training institutes and to strengthen, among entrepreneurs and educational institutions, the belief that the professional training of Higher Technological Institutes (ITS) and high-level apprenticeship can help to create a new way of teaching and doing business. 

Promotion in the Territories to bring Foundations and Businesses closer together

The plural governance of the individual Foundations and the particularly innovative organizational-educational model distinguishes the ITS system for its flexibility and ability to integrate and dialogue with the territory. For these and other aspects, the Skill Alliance project continues by proposing 3 local events designed to promote the dissemination of the evidence that has emerged and to provide local foundations and businesses with relevant ideas and knowledge:

  •  the tools that the project makes available for the implementation of high-level training and research apprenticeships within ITS courses;
  •  the characteristics and opportunities of ITS courses, especially if combined with higher education apprenticeships.

The events "ITS and apprenticeship for the development of the competences and the innovation of the formation: good practices and experiences" have held to Bergamo, Rome and Bari. During the events short focus and case studies dedicated to best practices were presented, in terms of ITS training offer and virtuous use of the apprenticeship contract, emerged from the empirical analysis conducted. 

Skill Alliance Project - Context, partnership, steps, insights

The context

A country's ability to compete depends on the innovation capacity of its production system which, in turn, is a result generated by the people who work there and therefore on the quality of the training background provided by the education system.

An educational system to be supported in the quest for alignment with the needs of businesses

The Italian education system does not always succeed in providing young people with training geared to the professional profiles required by the world of work. There is, in fact, a strong mismatch between the training choices of young people and the needs of businesses. Moreover, many recent surveys conducted by specialised bodies among Italian students confirm a rather low overall level of skills and also a strong disparity between the different geographical areas of the country. These critical issues in the education and training of young people are reflected on the front of early school leaving, which - despite the efforts of the last few years - is a major and significant problem in Italy. 

ITS and higher education apprenticeships: strategic elements of connection between the education system and the world of work

In the Italian education system, Higher Technological Institutes are a strategic component for accelerating the technological and digital transition of our country. In fact, ITS ensure highly sought-after professional skills from companies, equipped with skills that enable modern innovation processes. It is noted that over 90% of ITS graduates find employment in tasks and professions consistent with what they studied during their training: a surprising figure, if we take into consideration the always complex transitions from school to work and the high mismatch rates described. Unfortunately, despite these data, the over 140 Foundations present in Italy are still little known and have just over 25,000 members compared to approximately 1 and a half million university students (ISTAT data).
The high-level or third-level apprenticeship is based on the alternation of theoretical training moments and practical training moments in work contexts. It is an institute that allows the knowledge gained at a theoretical level to be immediately tested in the field, activating a virtuous circle between study and work that generates usable skills that shorten the transition times between training and professional experience.
ITS and higher education apprenticeships are indicated as strategic elements by the Italian PNRR. The former are entrusted with the activation of territorial networks of synergy and collaboration with companies and academic research centres; higher education apprenticeships are instead indicated as a lever to promote the employability of young people and to respond to the needs of companies.
The synergy between ITS and higher education apprenticeships can further enhance these objectives and allow companies to enhance know-how in the processes of generational turnover and investment in younger people.

Intesa Sanpaolo - ADAPT Foundation: the partnership for the training and employment of young people

Intesa Sanpaolo and the ADAPT Foundation are united by the ability to face the challenges of knowledge by resorting to the virtuous interweaving of their origins, their know-how and the search for the new to generate positive impacts for people and the community. Together they have started a partnership which - with the evidence of valuable scientific research - intends to stimulate schools, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to make them proactive in proposing and adhering to dual training programmes, tools capable of improving job opportunities and employability of young people.

Partners who concretely face a great social challenge to encourage experimentation and cross-learning

Intesa Sanpaolo, as it enters increasingly digital and technological future scenarios, already glimpses and experiments with work processes remodeled through technology and is already looking for professional figures capable of managing these processes. They are people trained in the spirit of interdisciplinarity and the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge acquired in the field. These recent experiences increasingly strengthen the Bank's responsibility to intervene to help increase the quality of the education system, as well as the belief that for every young person with difficulty accessing the world of work, the community loses an opportunity for growth and development. But not only that, the same experiences also increase the commitment to contribute to creating the conditions to enhance those individual skills that make young people flexible, inclusive and capable of participating autonomously in decision-making processes.

ADAPT Foundation  aims to encourage the inclusion of young people in the job market. To this end, it proposes planning and research activities and has established an international school of higher education on the topics of employment transitions and work relations. The School develops advanced training and research courses, aimed at facilitating employment transitions and promoting integration between educational and training courses and the job market. The School, in fact, promotes research doctorates, master's degrees, specialization courses, training and orientation internships, and advanced apprenticeship training courses.

The steps of the research

National mapping of ITS that activate apprenticeship contracts

Survey through interviews of the Foundations that have activated high-level training and research apprenticeship contracts in the last 3 years

Focus group

Survey to explore the strengths and critical points connected to the use of apprenticeships, and identify good practices and practices that can also be replicated in other territories

Analysis, study of data and writing of research

Drafting of the research with the aim of presenting the theoretical, economic and social framework and providing useful information for building and designing apprenticeship paths in the ITS system

Communication and promotion at territorial level

Research presentation event + territorial events aimed at activating synergies between ITS and companies

Concretization of the research

Planning and management support for the activation of apprenticeship contracts with ITS Foundations based on specific needs identified

Final report

Final balance of the experimentation

The opportunities, benefits, costs, and ways to design dual apprenticeship paths

The clips contain operational indications and design ideas for "doing an apprenticeship in collaboration with the ITS system", which will help you understand the dynamics and interactions between school and businesses that generate benefits in terms of better employment and productivity.
To find out more, write to: skill.alliance@adapt.it

The Skill Alliance research project, an opportunity to develop knowledge on the dual training proposed by ITS

ITS and higher education apprenticeships require partnerships between companies, training institutions, social partners, local authorities which together allow the construction of territorial ecosystems of innovation and training.
The Skill Alliance research project, in contributing to increasing knowledge of the ITS system and the high-level training apprenticeship contract, intends to create the conditions to overcome distrust towards a training system that is still not widespread in Italy but essential for reducing the unemployment rate and to stimulate companies and training institutions to develop partnerships and integrated paths within the ITS training offer.
