
Human rights

In addition to complying with the legislative frameworks of all the countries where it operates, Intesa Sanpaolo is committed to identifying, mitigating and, where possible, preventing potential human rights abuses linked to its activities, as required under the latest UN guiding principles (Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).

In this context, a specific Group policy on human rights was approved in December 2017 by the Board of Directors, taking up and developing the principles already present in the Code of Ethics.

In the above-mentioned document – Principles on Human Rights – Intesa Sanpaolo declares that: 

  • it is committed to help safeguard human rights in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of 1948 and in subsequent international conventions on civil and political rights and on economic, social and cultural rights
  • it recognises the principles set out in the ILO (International Labour Organisation) fundamental conventions, particularly the right of association and collective bargaining, the ban on forced and child labour and the elimination of discrimination at work
  • it contributes to the fight against corruption, supporting the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines and the anti-corruption principles issued by the United Nations in 2003, including through a “zero tolerance” approach to any cases of corruption.

The policy framework defines areas of responsibility towards each stakeholder, from employees, customers, suppliers to the community.  

Monitoring of respect for human rights in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group

The implementation and progressive extension of human rights’ protection is monitored through:

  • the evaluation of the implementation and governance of the Group’s Code of Ethics, performed also through the assessment by an independent third-party according to the UNI ISO 26000 international standard, with a specific focus on human rights’ issues;
  • the sustainability report, which involves stakeholders and defines ESG and climate strategic objectives and the relative metrics and is subject to the certification of an independent auditor outside the Group.

Based on the results of the monitoring processes described above, Intesa Sanpaolo is committed to:

  • evaluate the need for updates of the policy;
  • define guidelines of intervention to prevent and mitigate possible negative impacts on its stakeholders;
  • issue, when needed, further documents related to specific rights and activities.

As a further safeguard measure for all stakeholders, the Code of Ethics mailbox (codice.etico@intesasanpaolo.com) is available and anyone can report cases of non–compliance. Those who make the reports in good faith are protected from any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalisation, ensuring the utmost confidentiality without prejudice to legal obligations.  


Performance indicators and results achieved
Indicators  2022 2023
Accidents in the workplace
168 183
Group employees belonging to a union (% of total)*
65.2% 63.5%
Group Part-time employees (% of total)
12.4% 12.2%
Reports of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics for alleged discrimination
11 13
Court cases for mobbing**
2 3
Cases of customer data being lost or stolen reported to the Data Protection Authority/Local Authority 18 19
Robberies - Number of events per 100 branches
0.35% 0.12%
Suppliers registered on the Supplier Gate*** (n.)
9,770 10,641
Projects subject to Equator Principles screening****:
Amount granted (millions of euro)
Donations for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups managed centrally (% of the total managed by the Charity Allowance) 99% 99%

* The industry National Collective Bargaining Agreement covers all employees in Italy. The percentage of employees working in Italy and covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Credit Sector who are also members of a trade union is 76.13%. 
** There are three ongoing disputes of current employees which include, among the claims, also those for mobbing. 
*** All suppliers registered on the portal are subject to checks in the areas of business ethics and respect for human rights, workers’ rights and environmental rights. 
**** In 2023 the amount granted subject to Equator Principles screening stood at 13.5% of total project finance allocations.

Modern Slavery Statement

Intesa Sanpaolo has published the Modern Slavery Statement which describes the measures used to combat the risk of slavery in its activities and in its supply chain. This Statement describes the efforts to combat modern slavery during the reporting period 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 (Financial Year 2023) and is made in accordance with the requirements of section 54 of the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015 and section 13 of the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018. 
The Statement, published annually, applies to the following companies within the Group that are required to produce a Statement under the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act: Intesa Sanpaolo Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland) DAC, Intesa Sanpaolo Wealth Management S.A., Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg S.A., Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Ireland Plc, e Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d. (Slovenia).

Read the document


Modern Slavery Statement - Archive

Our commitment on SDGs

The link between human rights and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is strong. The objectives and results of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group

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