Customer satisfaction
Quality of service and customer satisfaction
In consistency with the values and principles of conduct defined in the Code of Ethics, which are based on listening and dialogue, transparency and fairness, and the protection of safety in business relations, the Group focuses on the customer and strives to maintain excellent relationships, solidly basing its conduct on criteria of good faith and correctness in relations.
Customer satisfaction and service quality are monitored and overseen by dedicated structures in the various business Divisions, to identify satisfaction and dissatisfaction and promptly pick up those areas requiring intervention, activating dedicated processes and actions for improvement.
Net Promoter Score - NPS®
The NPS is an indicator that expresses the likelihood of customers to recommend a product, a service or a company It is calculated in index points (between -100 and +100) by subtracting the percentage of detractors (dissatisfied customers) from the percentage of promoters (loyal customers). Intesa Sanpaolo carries out NPS surveys via telephone, email, App or Internet Banking on Retail, Retail Companies, Business, Third Sector and Agribusiness customers.
Findings collected from the Banca dei Territori Division customers.
Listening on ESG issues
In 2022, the Banca dei Territori surveys were enhanced to get further details about customer awareness to sustainability issues: an assessment about general ESG issues was accompanied by an in-depth analysis to highlight their interest in socially responsible investment products and attention to lower the environmental impact of processes that do not require paper printing. The IMI CIB Division focused its survey on the main needs of clients on ESG issues and, in particular, on Carbon Credit strategies (Carbon Credit), as well as on digital issues.
Survey results on ESG issues
with ESG investments
that they create value for themselves, the community and the environment
with ESG investments
ESG funds in their portfolio
Management of complaints
The careful and prompt management of complaints and other requests made by customers expressing their dissatisfaction is of fundamental importance for consolidating the relationship of trust and addressing critical situations.
Instances include complaints and their possible reiteration (customer complaints), appeals to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies (appeals to A.D.R.) and requests for clarification from supervisory authorities in response to customer complaints (complaints).
The claims include complaints and their possible reiteration (customer appeals), appeals to out-of-court dispute resolution bodies (ADR appeals) and requests for clarifications made by supervisory authorities in response to customer reports (reports).
Last updated 3 April 2024