Health and wellbeing

Health and safety

Intesa Sanpaolo has long adopted an Occupational Health and Safety Management System compliant with the most advanced international standards. The risks to the health and safety of the Group’s people are assessed according to a multidisciplinary approach, considering the combined effect of the work environment, processes, equipment, and the subjective conditions of workers.

A study project on emerging risks related to technostress, cognitive overload, and aging was launched in 2022.It involved about 300 group people, aiming to create and test a detection and intervention system to enhance the well-being in the Group. Given the positive results reported in 2023, a cognitive overload management path was launched for all Group people under Care Lab platform's "21 days" section.


With the aim of reducing the possibility of any harmful event occurring to people, the environment, and external stakeholders, the Process Guide - Compliance Management - Occupational Safety Regulatory Scope Management has been developed. The Guide includes specific operational health and safety checks for the identification, prevention, and management of emergencies, implementing effective methods to prevent or minimize risks, including with respect to the organization of internal events and the provision of services, supplies, and subcontracted works by external suppliers or subcontractors.

One of the key steps of the process is the training of Group People on occupational safety topics.

Health and Safety Management System Certification

UNI ISO 45001:2018

Intesa Sanpaolo has maintained, also in 2023, the compliance certification of its Health and Safety Management System, which, for the Italian perimeter, covers all branches and buildings of the parent company and companies within the Insurance Division. The certification body confirmed that the organization has fully implemented its risk management protocols in line with current national and sector regulatory requirements.


ISO 45003

In June 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo obtained, from a third-party certification body, the Attestation of Conformity for "Management of Health and Safety at Work - Psychological Health and Safety at Work - Guidelines for Managing Psychosocial Risks (ISO 45003)", in line with the HSE (Health Safety & Environment) 4.0 Project aimed at assessing, through new methodologies and advanced applications, also individual vulnerabilities.

This certification is the result of a proactive approach to managing psychosocial risks, taking into account the results of implementing practices and policies compliant with international standards established to ensure employees' psychological well-being. Compliance with these standards not only demonstrates dedication to adhere to industry best practices but also emphasizes the desire to create a work environment that fosters productivity, employee satisfaction, and long-term corporate sustainability.

Biosafety Trust Certification

Also in 2023, the Group maintained the certification, developed by RINA, which enhances the set of best practices adopted by the Group to minimize the risks of spreading communicable and non-communicable infectious diseases in public and private meeting places. In 2023, a Pandemic Plan was also developed to contain the spread of any pathogenic biological agent, with the aim of strengthening preparedness for a potential pandemic at national and local levels, in order to promptly recognize its onset, minimize the risk of transmission by limiting morbidity and mortality, and consequently reduce its impact on healthcare and social services, ensuring the continuity of essential services.
