Value and solidity

Group value and solidity

Despite the negative effects on the real economy resulting from the pandemic crisis and the conflict in Ukraine, even in recent years Intesa Sanpaolo has proven capable of achieving notable results, generating value for all stakeholders.

Today the Intesa Sanpaolo Group ranks among the leading players in the industry and is well positioned to make the most of market opportunities, thanks to the distinctive skills acquired over the years, its established international network, its ongoing investments in technology and digital, its leading position in ESG, and a streamlined operating model that has already proven time and again its ability to evolve proactively, anticipating new market dynamics and allowing the Group to systematically achieve its objectives



€6.5 bn net income


>€22 bn distributed to shareholders 


€26.5 bn personnel expenses


€17 bn purchases and investments


direct and indirect taxes


€7,7 bn net income result
+76% vs 2022
Restated for the application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 by the Group's insurance companies


€5.4 billion cash dividends 
equal to a cash payout ratio of 70%1 and 12% dividend yield2 + buyback equivalent to ~55bps of the CET1 ratio which is intended to be launched in June 20243


€7 billion personnel expenses
13.7 from 2022


€4.4 bn purchases and investments
8.9 dal 2022


€4.6 bn direct and indirect taxes
7.8 since 2022

Economic value generated

The economic value generated in 2023 is approximately €25.9 billion and is up from the 2022 value (€20.7 billion4). The largest share of the economic value distributed to stakeholders goes to the Group's people.

Breakdown of 2023 economic value (millions of euro / %)

Employees and other staff: 8,164
Shareholders, holders of equity instruments, third parties: 5,777
Suppliers: 2,965
Government, organisations and institutions, community: 3,677
Economic value retained: 5,320

1 As envisaged in the 2022-2025 Business Plan. €2.6bn paid as interim dividend on 22.11.23.
2 Based on Average ISP Stock Price in 2023. Subject to shareholder approval.
3 Subject to ECB and shareholder approval.
4 Data restated for the application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 by the Group's insurance companies.

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