Great Italian photography: Mimmo Jodice at the Gallerie d'Italia - Turin
With the exhibition "Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo", the Gallerie d'Italia - Turin presents the second chapter of the project "La Grande Fotografia Italiana" (Great Italian Photography), a tribute to the great masters of Italian photography, curated by Roberto Koch.
Mimmo Jodice, born in Naples in 1934, was a leading figure in the cultural debate that led to the growth and later the affirmation of Italian photography, including at the international level, through the use of photography in a dual role as a tool for analysis of reality and introspective inquiry.
The exhibition presents 80 photographs taken from 1964 to 2011, including some of the iconic works that definitively established the Neapolitan master's talent: through the sections Anamnesis, Languages, Views of Naples, City, Nature and Seas, it offers a significant overview of Jodice's oeuvre. The Nature section, featuring works exhibited for the first time, adds a new chapter to his search.
Renowned director and author Mario Martone directed and produced a documentary film on the life of Mimmo Jodice, his friend and fellow citizen: the work, which has never been shown before, is being screened in the exhibition halls for the first time. Here is an excerpt:
The "La Grande Fotografia Italiana" project was launched in 2022 with an exhibition dedicated to Lisetta Carmi and finds a natural home in the Gallerie d'Italia - Turin. Opened to the public in May 2022, it is a place for exhibition and reflection, expressly dedicated to photography and the digital world, in tune with the city's history and its aptitude for innovation.
The Turin museum, together with those of Milan, Naples and Vicenza, is part of Intesa Sanpaolo's Gallerie d'Italia museum prject.
Mimmo Jodice's exhibition Senza tempo is open to the public from 29 June 2023 to 7 January 2024. For information on timetables and admissions, please visit the Gallerie d'Italia website.

Last updated 4 July 2023 at 15:12:27