
Carlo Messina is the CEO with the best online reputation in Italy

The image accompanying the News on the ranking of top managers with the best online reputation in the last year, portrays Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo

Carlo Messina, CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, ranks first in the annual Top Manager Reputation rankings by Reputation Science, a permanent observatory on the online reputation of the senior management of large Italian companies.

Carlo Messina’s position at the top of the 2022 rankings was driven by factors that include:

Messina placed first in the monthly rankings for eight months of the year and always remained in the top five positions.

The rankings look at digital identity, online content and historical evolution, calculating the impact on reputation of each piece of content based on a model that evaluates over 100 parameters.

According to the Top Management Reputation survey, the volume of content associated with Italian senior managers increased 66% in 2022: nearly one in two pieces of content - 46% - refers to the leadership sphere; ESG themes - at 31% - are among the fundamental pillars in senior management communications.

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