
New appointments in Intesa Sanpaolo’s Wealth Management Divisions

The image accompanying the News on the new positions in the Private, Asset Management and Insurance Divisions portrays the Gioia 22 skyscraper, known as the shard of glass

Intesa Sanpaolo has renewed the top management of the Group's companies active in wealth management and protection, promoting younger talents and more women in leadership positions.

The new Wealth Management Divisions structure headed by Tommaso Corcos – set up to accelerate growth and increase the integration of product factories – is thus reorganising its top management as follows:

  • Private Banking Division: Paolo Molesini confirmed President of Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, Lino Mainolfi appointed CEO and General Manager of Fideuram - Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking
  • Asset Management Division: Saverio Perissinotto appointed President of Eurizon Capital SGR, Maria Luisa Gota CEO and General Manager of Eurizon Capital SGR
  • Insurance Division: Riccardo Ranalli appointed President of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita, Virginia Borla CEO and General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita. Gianluca La Calce appointed new CEO and General Manager of Fideuram Vita.
Further details on new division assignment

Private Division

Gianluca Serafini is the new Head of the Marketing, Product and Business Model Coordination Area and will be designated Co-General Manager.

Luca Bortolan has been appointed Head of the new Operational Coordination Area, which includes the Operational Controls, Operations and Business Transformation, Legal and Direct Banking structures.

Fabio Cubelli, Head of the Business Coordination Area and Co-General Manager, is Responsible for the sole coordination of the financial advisor networks (Fideuram, Sanpaolo Invest, IW Private Investments SIM), as well as Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.

Cristiana Fiorini will assume the role of General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.

Andrea Ghidoni will be Responsible for the Fideuram Network and Commercial Coordination.

Davide Elli has been appointed CEO and General Manager of Fideuram Asset Management SGR, as well as Head of the Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Investment Center.

Asset Management Division

Alessandro Solina appointed Deputy General Manager of Eurizon Capital SGR, maintaining the role of Head of Investment Management.
