Innovation and cybersecurity


The Group considers the protection of customers’ information a matter of strategic importance and it contributes actively to the cybernetic resilience of Italy’s Economy. Cybersecurity is governed by guidelines and integrated processes for the protection of the interests and rights of customers and of the Group’s people, with rules set out in the Bank’s Integrated Internal Control System.


Given the growing importance of cybersecurity, also in relation to the new Business Plan, the Intesa Sanpaolo Board of Directors annually approves the IT Security Plan. The Paln organises, in a structured and coordinated way, the challenges introduced by cyber space through the actions established by the Group functions that are responsible for guaranteeing the relevant safeguards. The clear definition of responsibilities in disseminating a cybersecurity culture to protect every component of the company’s assets is the main theme.

Intesa Sanpaolo has prepared responses to the growing trend of attempted attacks affecting the entire financial system, by using identification systems and systems for blocking fraudulent transactions, and also by providing continuous training and updating courses for its people on cybersecurity matters.

2022 Results

~€8 m of fraudulent transactions blocked for corporate customers
~€38,5 m of fraudulent transactions blocked for retail customers

Insights, events and projects for sustainability


