Community and culture

Continuous commitment to culture

Enhancement of the Group's artistic heritage and contribution to the protection of the country's artistic heritage, partnerships with national and international museums and public and private institutions, sponsorship of cultural activities and events are the lines of action by which the Group makes its commitment towards the culture. A commitment also confirmed in the 2022-2025 Business Plan.



>€42 m monetary contribution to art and culture

Progetto Cultura (Culture Project)

It's a multi-year project conceived and implemented by the Art, Culture and Historic Heritage Department of Intesa Sanpaolo in dialogue with important public and private, national and international cultural and museum institutions, to contribute in a responsible, direct and concrete way to the cultural and social growth of the country.

Progetto Cultura manages a partnership network with numerous entities in the country to support their activities as well as for the joint production of initiatives: from the support to Bergamo Brescia, Italian Capital of Culture 2023, to the contribution to the exhibition at  Palazzo del Quirinale in Rome dedicated to bronzes of San Casciano, with the Ministry of Culture - General Directorate of Museums, to the shared projects with Foundations of banking origin; from the international fairs Miart in Milan, Artissima and Salone del Libro in Turin, to partnerships with important Italian museums (including Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, National Archaeological Museum in Naples), to the support of restoration and redevelopment projects in Art Bonus mode (from the Egyptian Museum in Turin to the new Gamec museum in Bergamo).

Gallerie d'Italia

One of the main components of Progetto Cultura is the museum hub ot the Gallerie d'Italia which, in its four locations in Milan, Naples, Turin and Vicenza, brings together one of the largest corporate collections in the world. Internationally recognized  as centers of excellence in Italy's cultural offering, the Gallerie d'Italia host, in addition to the Bank's collections, temporary exhibitions in partnership with leading national and international museums and are home to free cultural activities aimed at students and fragile categories.


680,000 visitors to Gallerie d’Italia


11 temporary exhibitions projects


3,670 free educational workshops for schools with 83,000 students


520 visitor tours with 6,620 participants


363 works of art from the collections owned by the Bank on loan 
for 73 national and international temporary exhibitions

The temporary exhibitions in 2023 included, the photographic projects in Turin that originated from the Bank commissions to explore ESG themes (JR Déplacées on large migrations and social fragilities, Luca Locatelli The Circle dedicated to the circular economy, Cronache d'acqua on climate change with focus on Italy) accompanied by numerous collateral activities to reflect on social and environmental sustainability.

As part of the Gallerie d'Italia Academy, the third edition of the management of artistic-cultural heritage and corporate collections course was held in 2023 with 30 participating students, 8 scholarships and the first edition of the "Naples-Florence. The art of making exhibitions” with 24 students.

Edizioni Gallerie d'Italia - Skira has published 12 volumes including exhibition catalogues, Vox Imago, photography books and studies on collecting.

Restitutions program

Since 1989, Intesa Sanpaolo has contributed to the protection and promotion of the country's artistic and architectural heritage with the Restitution Programme, the most important restoration program in the world, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. In 2023 the organization of the twentieth edition of the program continued.


115 works from all Italian regions


50 protection bodies with which the Group collaborates


57 restoration laboratories
