

Turin - Milan, September 13th 2012 – Intesa Sanpaolo communicates that the following documents concerning the full demerger of Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo S.p.A. in favour of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and Leasint S.p.A. were today filed and made public at the Company’s registered office and at Borsa Italiana and published on the website group.intesasanpaolo.com. This is in accordance with regulations in force.

- Full demerger plan
- Explanatory Report of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Management Board
- Explanatory Report of Leasint S.p.A. Board of Directors
- Explanatory Report of Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo S.p.A. Board of Directors
- Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Half-yearly Report as at June 30th 2012 (in substitution of the Financial Statements)
- Leasint S.p.A. Financial Statements as at June 30th 2012
- Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo S.p.A. Financial Statements as at June 30th 2012.

In addition, the following documents were filed with the Company’s registered office: 2009, 2010 and 2011 Annual Reports of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Leasint S.p.A. and Banca Infrastrutture Innovazione e Sviluppo S.p.A..



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