

Turin - Milan, 26 May 2020 – In accordance with the regulations in force, Intesa Sanpaolo communicates that, following the verification and assessment carried out, it has been established that the Board Directors appointed at the Shareholders’ Meeting of 27 April 2020, Andrea Sironi and Roberto Franchini, meet the regulatory requirements, as well as the provisions included in the Articles of Association.

Specifically, the Board of Directors has confirmed that Director Andrea Sironi meets the independence requirement pursuant to Article 148, third paragraph, of Legislative Decree 24 February 1998 no. 58 and Article 13.4.3 of the Articles of Association, also in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code of Listed Companies promoted by Borsa Italiana. This was based on the declarations made by the Director himself, as well as information available with the Company.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors has acknowledged the Management Control Committee’s assessment verifying that Director Roberto Franchini, member of the Management Control Committee, meets the aforementioned requirements, as well as the additional requirements set forth in the regulations and in the Articles of Association in respect of the composition of the control body. This, too, was based on the declarations made by the Director himself, as well as information available with the Company.


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