
From the Medici to the Rothschilds – art patrons, collectors, philanthropists

The image accompanying the News on the exhibition “Dai Medici ai Rothschild. Mecenati, collezionisti, filantropi” at the Gallerie d'Italia - Milan is a portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent by Agnolo di Cosimo called il Bronzino and workshop

“From the Medici to the Rothschilds. Patrons, collectors, philanthropists” is the title of the exhibition that the Gallerie d’Italia – Milano is dedicating to the great bankers who, in the role of buyers, collectors and philanthropists, have marked the history of collecting and taste.

The exhibition includes more than 120 exemplary artworks of their collections from prestigious international museums. Curated by Fernando Mazzocca and Sebastian Schütze with the general coordination of Gianfranco Brunelli, it features works by Verrocchio, Michelangelo, Bronzino, Caravaggio, Gherardo delle Notti (Gerrit van Honthorst), Valentin de Boulogne, Antoon Van Dyck, Angelika Kauffmann, Francesco Hayez and an unpublished work by Giorgio Morandi.

Without the support of bankers, myriad works of art would never have seen the light. The thesis of this show is that, coinciding with a period of history over the past 500 years in which democratic values have been affirmed, a reciprocity between culture and money has occurred.  

Giovanni Bazoli, President Emeritus of Intesa Sanpaolo

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