Via Francigena relaunches cultural and sustainable tourism in Italy
Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the main partners of “Via Francigena – Road to Rome 2021. Start again!”.
The objectives of the event “Via Francigena – Road to Rome 2021 Start again!”, include helping people discover or revive rural tourist areas that tend to be less well-known and, for this reason, have been hit harder by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Intesa Sanpaolo’s backing of the “Road to Rome 2021” encapsulates the Group’s commitment to supporting the economic development of local areas, tourism and culture.
The route of Via Francigena
The walk “Via Francigena – Road to Rome 2021. Start again!” is a relay race starting on 16 June from Canterbury.
Each group of walkers that takes part in the “Road to Rome 2021” will pass the ‘Bordone’ – the symbolic walking stick of the Pilgrims – to the next group along the entire trail.
“Road to Rome 2021” connects Europe to Italy, with a walk of 3,200 Km split into 148 legs, across 16 Regions and 644 European towns.
The walk is expected to finish on 18 October in Santa Maria di Leuca.
The route of the Via Francigena was extended from Rome to Santa Maria di Leuca in 2019, based on the journey made by a pilgrim in 333 A.D.
Objectives of the “Road to Rome 2021”
Through the event “Via Francigena – Road to Rome 2021. Start again!”, Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene (AEVF) - European Association of the Via Francigena Ways - aims to achieve various objectives, namely supporting Via Francigena’s application to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In fact, the “Road to Rome 2021” will be an opportunity to check the condition of the route, propose improvements and promote regional sections hence facilitating the economic development of the local areas.
“Via Francigena – Road to Rome 2021. Start again!” is organised by the Associazione Europea delle Vie Francigene (AEVF) - on the 20th anniversary of its foundation, in collaboration with Enit-Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo (Italian State Tourist Board).
Click here to download the infographic with all the objectives of the “Road to Rome 2021”.
Intesa Sanpaolo’s commitment to the post-pandemic recovery
Find out about Intesa Sanpaolo’s commitment to sustainability and some recent initiatives dedicated to the territory.
Last updated 18 June 2021 at 20:54:27