
From CDP €1bln for loans to SMEs and mid-caps at favourable rates

The image accompanying the News about the €1bn loan from CDP for loans to SMEs and Mid-Caps at favourable rates, depicts two men at work, wearing safety helmets. One illustrates something with a raised arm, the other checks on a tablet

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has granted Intesa Sanpaolo a loan of €1 billion that the bank will use in full to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with loans at favourable rates and long maturities, with the aim of:

  • facilitating access to credit for smaller companies, helping them to achieve their projects
  • supporting the growth and competitiveness of the Italian production system

The new loans, up to €25 million and with terms of up to 18 years, are intended to support:

  • investments to be undertaken and/or in the process of being undertaken (also leveraging production chains) in Italian territory
  • expenditures on tangible and/or intangible fixed assets
  • working capital requirements

Companies will be able to benefit from additional bonuses in the case of ESG investments and, for certain types of financing, they will also be able to combine them with other facilities accessible through public guarantees.
