
ESG: €2mln for Verindplast’s environmental and social sustainability projects

The image that accompanies the News on the 2 million Verindplast S-Loan for ESG investments, portrays a young blonde woman, smiling, in a jacket and shirt, in front of her PC

Intesa Sanpaolo is providing €2 million in financing for Verindplast's investments in:

  • promotion of women's participation in society and gender equality
  • technological upgrade of facilities
  • use of renewable energy

supporting the Abruzzo-based company, a leader in the industrial painting sector, in improving its environmental and social sustainability.

Financing was provided through two credit lines, one for €1.5 million with a term of 8 years and the other for €500,000 with a term of 7 years: both are S-Loans, characterised by a pricing mechanism linked to the achievement of specific ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) targets.
