
“Think Forestry”: in Naples, Intesa Sanpaolo is planting 1,000 new trees

The image accompanying the News on the "Think Forestry" project which stops in Naples with the planting of 1,000 trees and shrubs of local species in the Vesuvius National Park portrays from below the crossed green foliage of some trees from which they filter rays of sunshine

Intesa Sanpaolo's “Think Forestry” project comes to Naples: 1,000 trees and shrubs of local species will be planted at Vesuvius National Park, promoting the restoration of ecosystems damaged by fires.

Think Forestry is Intesa Sanpaolo’s project dedicated to reforestation and protection of the natural capital with the goal of planting and conserving 100 million trees globally as part of the ESG commitment undertaken with the Business Plan 2022-2025.

Vesuvius National Park was established in 1995 to protect the high biodiversity of the area on the slopes of the volcano and the 1,000 specimens selected have been identified from among native species.

In the Think Forestry project, which has also called at Turin and Rome, Intesa Sanpaolo also aims to involve the greatest number of companies possible from the territory, committed to reducing their environmental impact, thereby undertaking a path of sustainable development, with the goal of zero emissions.

Think Forestry is implemented in collaboration with Rete Clima Impresa Sociale, the leading organisation in Italy in the development of decarbonisation projects for companies, ESG solutions and new national forestation at the urban and extra-urban level. 

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