
Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App is “Global Digital Experience Leader” for Forrester

The image accompanying the News on Forrester's recognition of the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App as global digital experience leader, portrays a graying man with glasses, in a shirt and outdoors, while he is consulting his smartphone

Forrester Research has named the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App the “Global Digital Experience Leader” in their digital experience review, amongst 27 evaluated banking Apps across 10 countries, with top mobile functionality and user experience.

The recognition confirms the global leadership of the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile App for the second consecutive year.

The report published, The Forrester Digital Experience Review™: Global Mobile Banking Apps, 2023, not only acknowledges Intesa Sanpaolo’s App as the leader, but also cites Intesa Sanpaolo among their list of mobile banking best practice in the following categories:

  • atom/icon/check Created with Sketch. Money Management, for categorizing transactions and offering comprehensive spending analysis with personalized insights and predicted balance
  • atom/icon/check Created with Sketch. Error avoidance and Recovery: for providing quick access to bank contacts in case of need and for detailed error messages that help Customers resolve problems.

Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile is a point of reference for over 12 million multi-channel customers, with almost two billion logins per year, 178 million transactional operations and supports purchases of products and services on the Group's digital channels, which represent over 40% of Banca dei Territori's total sales.

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