
Twelve non-profits identified to receive donation for Ukraine emergency

The image accompanying the News on the recipients of the € 10 million donation for the Ukraine emergency portrays some people, including young women, with backpacks on their shoulders and winter clothes

Twelve non-profit organisations are the recipients of the €10 million donation made by Intesa Sanpaolo for the Ukraine emergency: the organisations are working to support the affected population, both locally and in Italy, with projects in:

  • humanitarian protection
  • accommodation
  • direct economic support
  • health and psychological care
  • distribution of basic necessities
  • integration of refugees.

The amount has been allocated for 60% to initiatives in Ukraine and neighbouring countries and for 40% to programmes in Italy.

The recipients of the donation are: UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency, FEBA - European Food Bank Federation, Caritas Italiana, CESVI, Banco Farmaceutico Onlus, CIR - Italian Council for Refugees, Vicariato di Roma, Confederazione Nazionale delle Misericordie d'Italia, AVSI, Azione Contro la Fame, the NGO Bambini nel Deserto Onlusand Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italy.

In particular, €4.15 million was donated to UNHCR - The UN Refugee Agency, which implemented immediate initiatives in the affected territories and neighbouring countries, such as the supply of essential goods and direct economic assistance to people to meet basic expenses. Of this, €3 million was donated directly by Intesa Sanpaolo and a further €1.15 million to match the amount of €1.15 million raised from the public on its ForFunding platform, for a total donation to UNHCR of €5.3 million.

In addition to the donation of €10 million, the Intesa Sanpaolo Charity Fund gave €300,000 to Soleterre and Médecins Sans Frontières.

Intesa Sanpaolo also immediately provided support to the people of the subsidiary Pravex Bank, making them welcome both in the four neighbouring countries – Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova – where the Group is present with the banks of the International Subsidiary Banks Division, and in Italy for those who accepted the invitation to come to our country.

Donation recipients in detail

Apart from UNHCR and FEBA - the European Food Banks Federation, which will continue to guarantee the supply of food to the Ukrainian Food Bank until March 2023, all recipient organisations are Italian non-profits. The other beneficiaries are:

  • Caritas Italiana, through the project A.P.R.I. Accogliere Promuovere Proteggere Integrare i Profughi Ucraini in Italia (Welcome, Promote, Protect, Integrate Ukrainian Refugees in Italy), to support diocese Caritas chapters in welcoming refugees throughout Italy, with services ranging from initial reception to integration to foster their socio-economic inclusion;
  • CESVI, supporting refugees with a focus on families with children, disabled and elderly people in Ukraine, Romania and Hungary;
  • Banco Farmaceutico Onlus, with the Pharma4Ucraina project, for the free distribution of emergency medicines and support for related transport costs, with delivery to the Ukrainian population;
  • CIR - Consiglio Italiano Rifugiati, for legal, structured support to protect lone children and single parent families;
  • Vicariato di Roma, for initiatives involving solidarity and hospitality for Ukrainian youths and families, due in part to the actions of the Next Gen Together project, which aims "to bring peripheral areas closer to the centre", focusing on respect and equal rights;
  • Confederazione Nazionale delle Misericordie d'Italia, for the accommodation of 34 orphaned boys and girls between 9 months and 18 years old in the Casa della Stella facility in the municipality of Fosciandora (LU). The project includes educational/school activities, extra-curricular activities and medical assistance;
  • AVSI: in partnership with AVSI Polska, to increase the employment and employability levels of 150 refugee women and the socio-educational integration of 50 children in their care (children and foster children);
  • Action Against Hunger, to ensure access to safe water and adequate sanitation (WASH) for Ukrainian refugees and host communities in Moldova;
  • NGO Bambini nel Deserto Onlus, in support of Ukrainian health care with the project Ambulances Ukraine 2022/23, which provides for the purchase of second-hand emergency vehicles (ambulances, vans, pick-ups and other vehicles), the complete repair and upgrading of the vehicles and their delivery to the Ukrainian civil authorities on the border with Poland;
  • Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italy, for raising students' awareness of human rights and processes of integration of Ukrainian refugees into the Italian labour market.