
Intesa Sanpaolo winner BAI Global Innovation 2017 with the Timerepublik Project

Torino, Atlanta, 6 October 2017 – Yesterday in Atlanta, USA, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group won the 2017 BAI Global Innovation Award in the Innovation in Human Capital category withTimeRepublik, a sharing economy project created for the Group’s employees.

The project was conceived by Intesa Sanpaolo’s Innovation Center, which scouted for the TimeRepublik startup, and was created together with the ALI group, the Intesa Sanpaolo Employees’ Association. The prize was awarded for the Bank’s ability to leverage on exponential trends such as the sharing economy, and alternative currencies such as time, creating a new concept of company community. The project was conceived by adopting open innovation together with TimeRepublik, a social community of people willing to share their time, passion and personal skills in which time is the currency.
Within TimeRepublik – following an initial trial phase – the ALI Group community was founded (the Intesa Sanpaolo Employees’ Association), in which all members, currently working or retired, can exchange their time, discovering and appreciating the talents nurtured by other members outside work. Members can also benefit from these talents in order to form small or large collaborations, or collective projects. This is exactly what happened during National Medicine Collection Day, organized by the non-profit organization Banco Farmaceutico Foundation, which took place last February, when more than 185 volunteers from the ALI Group gave their time on a Saturday and were paid in turn with hours.
TimeRepublik is a very innovative and participatory experiment in the sharing economy within the Banking Group, which makes the spirit of sustainability and solidarity a reality. The Intesa Sanpaolo Employees’ Association promotes TimeRepublik as a tool to improve the quality of relationships between people and within the Company.

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