


  • Today, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center hosted the presentation of the new degree programme at an event attended by the Archbishop of Turin, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, and the Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro.
  • The objective of the new programme, developed by the Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo (IUSTO) in cooperation with Apostolato Digitale, is to make humans the main focus and the ultimate goal in designing and managing new digital technologies, enriching them from an ethical perspective.Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center will actively cooperate with IUSTO by making the know-how of its experts available, opening its laboratories and work teams to students and creating networking opportunities with Italian and international high tech partners.
  • Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia: “I am pleased to see this new degree programme being introduced which, in the wake of the pandemic, will revive a renewed awareness regarding the use of digital technology that not only respects human nature but also strives to encourage people to be truly themselves even through technology”.
  • Gian Maria Gros-Pietro: “The introduction of this degree programme makes it possible to start a new and fascinating cooperation with IUSTO (Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Torino) and the Apostolato Digitale concerning the relationship between the human being, new technologies and their ethical use, a topic that has never been more relevant than it is today, at a time when the use of digital devices has increased due to the pandemic”.

Turin, 4 June 2021 – Making people the main focus and the ultimate goal in designing and managing new digital technologies, enriching them from an ethical perspective. This is the objective of the new master’s degree programme in Psychology applied to digital innovation that will be launched next academic year at the Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo (IUSTO), in cooperation with Apostolato Digitale.

Today, the President of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Maurizio Montagnese hosted and opened the presentation of the new degree programme at an event attended by the Archbishop of Turin, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, and the Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro.

The Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s company dedicated to innovation and active in sectors such as the development of high-potential start-ups, circular economy and applied research in neuroscience and artificial intelligence, will actively cooperate with IUSTO by providing the know-how of its experts, such as the Head of the Neuroscience Lab Sonia D’Arcangelo, opening its laboratories and work teams to students and creating networking opportunities with Italian and international high tech partners.

The new master’s degree programme structured by IUSTO will provide specialised training in the different fields of psychology applied to innovation, artificial intelligence, cognitive ergonomics, user-centred and human-driven design of sustainable products and services aimed at fostering well-being and social inclusion.

Acquiring the appropriate set of professional skills will be promoted through education with a significant focus on experience. The programme will combine core theoretical-methodological training with practical activities such as workshops, exercises and internships. Students will be trained in subjects such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming and algorithmics to fulfil the programme objectives.

Graduates in Psychology applied to digital innovation will be among the first “anthronomes” in Italy, individuals who will contribute to enriching innovative technologies from an ethical and human-centred perspective, through activities such as designing models for reorganising the interfaces between humans and complex systems, improving the design of human-computer interaction and user-experience, the prevention and treatment of psychological stress caused by the use of new technologies, the re-interpretation of the role and objectives of artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning from an ethical and social perspective, applying the best-known models of innovation with a view to value-driven innovation.

Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia, Archbishop of Turin: I am pleased to see this new degree programme being introduced which, in the wake of the pandemic, will revive a renewed awareness regarding the use of digital technology that not only respects human nature but also strives to encourage people to be truly themselves even through technology”. The full cooperation of the Apostolato Digitale Service, which I wanted to be established in our diocese at the end of 2019, is a sign that the local Church supports this process: I hope that young graduates, talented psychologists, will also understand that they are the first anthronomes capable of leading the digital transformation for the common good.

Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo: “It is an honour to have welcomed Monsignor Nosiglia today on the 31st floor of our skyscraper, the highest workspace in the building, from where our Innovation Center looks far into the future. The introduction of Italy’s first master’s degree programme in Psychology applied to Digital Innovation makes it possible to start a new and fascinating cooperation with IUSTO (Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Torino) and the Apostolato Digitale concerning the relationship between the human being, new technologies and their ethical use, a topic that has never been more relevant than it is today, at a time when the use of digital devices has increased due to the pandemic.

Maurizio Montagnese, President of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center: “We launched our Neuroscience Lab at a time when the field was still obscure and distant to many. Being involved in this new academic programme is proof that the Innovation Center knows how to best interpret change and stay ahead of it. We have always approached digital innovation with a focus on the individual, because this is the only way we can bring about true social development; we are at the dawn of an unprecedented level of complexity that requires new talents and new ethics to be sought in the new generations, who need to contribute to innovation and sustainability.

Alessio Rocchi, Managing Director of IUSTO: “IUSTO offers a cross-disciplinary, scientific education for the next generation of psychologists who will be called to interact and work with the most innovative technologies while protecting the human soul from chaos. This degree programme paves the way for a transformation in the field of psychology that goes beyond the traditional forms of clinical and occupational psychology by training psychologists to become key players in developing technological products and services that reflect the genuine values, rights, interests and needs of individuals, families and society.


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