



Turin, 23 October 2021 - From 24 to 31 October Intesa Sanpaolo, together with the Savings Museum and the Group's foreign banks, to celebrate World Savings Day, is promoting L'arte del risparmio (The art of saving), visits and online and in-person educational activities for students and adults at its various offices.

The goal is to promote financial culture and raise awareness among young people and adults of the importance of acquiring the basic skills for proper, informed money management.

The Savings Museum offers educational and creative activities for schools of all levels alongside activities for adults and families. On Sunday, 24 October and Sunday, 31 October, admission will be free for everyone. Some of the Museum's best-known educational workshops will be offered at museums with which it has active partnerships, including the EXPLORA Museum in Rome ("How much do wishes cost", 24/10) and the Museum of Ceramics in Mondovì ("Let them recycle. Child-friendly recycling", 31/10).

The foreign banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group's International Subsidiary Banks Division participating in the initiative are Alexbank in Egypt, Banca Intesa Beograd in Serbia, Privredna Banka Zagreb in Croatia, CIB Bank in Hungary, Eximbank in Moldova, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Albania, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Romania, Intesa Sanpaolo Banka in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Slovenia. They will all offer a wide range of local initiatives dedicated to schools, women, customers, employees and their children, exploring topics such as the basics of finance and savings, the risks associated with online purchases, the protection of digital identity and the conscious management of resources, including in environmental terms. The activities, offered both in-person and online, will continue into the first few weeks of November. 



ACTIVITIES FOR SCHOOLS - From 25 to 29 October 2021



Primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school classes will be able to book themed guided tours of the Savings Museum, subject to availability.

Through animated videos, apps, theatrical animations and film clips more can be learned about such topics as: the history of money, speculative bubbles, major financial crises, entrepreneurship, financial instruments and many others available on https://www.museodelrisparmio.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/offerta-didattica-2021-2022.pdf

Intended for: primary schools, lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools

Duration: physical-presence 90 minutes / online 50 minutes



The Museum offers primary and secondary schools the opportunity to take part free of charge in the online workshops I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT and WISE UP! developed together with experts from Intesa Sanpaolo's Cybersecurity Department as part of the "Raise your Antennae" project, aimed at raising students' awareness of the issues of protection from digital risks and the security of digital payments.

Divided into teams (FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, SNAPCHAT, TIKTOK and TWITTER), the kids will be asked to solve different challenges: Which attachment to open?; Invent a secure password; Choose data to create a social profile; Use an antivirus program. 

The connection can be made in the classroom via interactive whiteboard and Internet connection.

Targets: primary schools and lower secondary schools

Duration: 50 minutes

Booking procedure

For both guided tours and online workshops, compulsory registration via email to prenotazionimdr@civita.art indicating the name of the school, class involved and details of the teacher.




25 and 28 October (6:00 PM-7:00 PM)


The initiative, created by the Savings Museum and the Banca dei Territori Division of Intesa Sanpaolo, in collaboration with Taxi 1729, a training and scientific communication company made up of young mathematicians and physicists, aims to bring people closer to financial education in a simple and clear way. Topics include hindsight, adapting to change, and managing uncertainty.

For more information: https://www.museodelrisparmio.it/psiche-emozioni-e-decisioni-digital-live-talk/

24 October (10:00 AM-11:30 AM)


A special edition of the Museo del Risparmio workshop "Quanto costano i desideri" ("How much do wishes cost") for children aged 6 to 10 years in collaboration with Explora, the Children's Museum of Rome.

Through the animated reading of excerpts from the fable "Arco & Iris in South America", the boys and girls will understand the importance of economic independence and a harmonious relationship with money to achieve their dreams.

This will be followed by small games and exercises taken from the "Paghetta&CO" guide to reflect on the concept of savings, the value of objects (prices) and where money comes from (work). At the end, each child will be able to try out the brand new Test&Fun station and talk to the mascots For&Mica to find out more about their relationship with money.

Financial Education Month gadgets will be distributed to all participants.



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Intesa Sanpaolo

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Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo is the leading Bank in Italy and one of the soundest and most profitable banks in Europe. It offers commercial, corporate investment banking, asset management and insurance services. The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has approximately 13.5 million customers in Italy who are assisted through both digital and traditional channels and 7.2 million customers abroad with subsidiaries operating in commercial banking in 12 countries in Central Eastern Europe and Middle Eastern and North African areas and an international network of specialists in support of corporate customers across 25 countries. Intesa Sanpaolo is recognized as one of the most sustainable banks in the world. For the Group, creating value means being a driver for growth, for the benefit of both society and the economy. As regards the environment, the Group has set up a 6-billion-euro fund for the circular economy. Intesa Sanpaolo supports major economic inclusion and poverty reduction projects, including an impact fund of 1.5 billion euro for loans available to social groups who struggle to access credit. Intesa Sanpaolo has a high level of involvement in cultural initiatives, organised by the Bank or in collaboration with other entities in Italy and further afield. These include permanent and temporary exhibitions showcasing the Bank’s impressive artistic heritage at the Gallerie d’Italia, the Group’s museums located in Milan, Naples, Vicenza and soon Turin.
