Paola Angeletti, Intesa Sanpaolo's Chief Operating Officer: "The new contract increases company well-being and the effectiveness of its organisational structure. Our thanks to the trade unions for the solutions identified together"
Turin/Milan, 8 December 2021 - Intesa Sanpaolo is pleased to announce that, by agreement with the trade unions, it has set the terms of the Group's second-level contract. The result is framework of an advanced welfare system conceived through dialogue with the trade unions, in which Intesa Sanpaolo's mechanisms are integrated with those governed by national collective bargaining agreements.
The agreement reached goes in the direction of enhancing and further expanding the welfare tools for the benefit of the 80,000 people of Intesa Sanpaolo and their families, improving the effectiveness of the company organisation and defining sustainable, differentiated employment policies, including at different stages of working life, designed to create cohesion and solidarity between the various generations at the company. In particular, the agreements concern professional development processes, the reconciliation of work and family time, inclusion, training, and supplementary pensions.
The second level contract – renewed with the agreement of 3 August 2018 and subsequently amended, including on the occasion of the integration of the UBI Group – was due to expire on 31 December 2021. The term of the contract is 1 January 2022-31 December 2025. The harmonisation of the legal and economic treatment of the personnel of the former UBI Group, initiated with the agreement of 14 April 2021, was also concluded within this framework.
"The important agreements signed between Intesa Sanpaolo and the trade unions offer an advanced framework within which aspects such as work-life balance, training and professional development processes play a fundamental role. I would like to thank the national and Group trade unions for their excellent relations and their always constructive dialogue: once again, valid, shared solutions have been found, leading to greater wellbeing for my colleagues at Intesa Sanpaolo and to a further improvement in the effectiveness of the organisational structure," said Paola Angeletti, Intesa Sanpaolo's Chief Operating Officer.
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About Intesa Sanpaolo
Intesa Sanpaolo is a wealth management & protection company, Italy’s leading bank and one of the most solid and profitable bank groups in Europe. It offers commercial, corporate investment banking, private banking, asset management and insurance services. The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has approximately 13.5 million customers in Italy and 7.1 million customers abroad through commercial banking subsidiaries in 12 countries in Central-Eastern Europe and Middle East and North Africa as well an international network to support corporate customers across 25 countries. Intesa Sanpaolo is recognized as one of the most sustainable banks in the world and is committed to becoming a reference model in terms of sustainability and social and cultural responsibility. Intesa Sanpaolo supports major economic inclusion and poverty reduction projects, including a €1.5 billion impact fund for loans to social groups who struggle to access credit. The Group has a €6 billion fund dedicated to the circular economy. The Group is also deeply involved in cultural initiatives in Italy and further afield, with the aim of preserving, promoting and sharing Italy’s historical and artistic heritage, also thanks to permanent and temporary exhibitions hosted at the Gallerie d’Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo’s museums located in Milan, Naples, Vicenza and, soon, Turin.
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Last updated 14 December 2021 at 12:06