



·     The cooperation started in 2009 is strengthened: already €450 billion disbursed to the Italian production system in 15 years

·     New drive on the growth of enterprises in Italy and abroad through innovative production models, Transition 5.0, Artificial Intelligence, Life Sciences

·     Supporting workers through the Sustainable Housing Plan

·     Messina: “Accompanying Italy's entrepreneurial fabric in achieving growth and competitiveness objectives”

- Orsini: “Aiming to revive investment through a participatory and inclusive working method, involving all economic players”

Milan, 14 January 2025 - President of Confindustria Emanuele Orsini and Intesa Sanpaolo CEO and Managing Director Carlo Messina today signed the new four-year Agreement for the growth of Italian companies. The joint programme makes €200 billion available between now and 2028 to give new impetus to the national production system, seizing the opportunities of instruments such as Transition 5.0 and AI and thereby complementing the resources already earmarked by the Bank for the realisation of the NRRP objectives.

The new agreement consolidates and renews the collaboration that started in 2009 which, thanks to a total of €450 billion in loans disbursed to the Italian production system over a period of fifteen years, has helped evolve the relationship between bank and enterprise by accompanying the needs of SMEs and mature industries even in their most complex phases. This support has taken the form of numerous joint initiatives that, also thanks to government guarantees activated in critical phases, have made it possible to support tens of thousands of companies and mainly SMEs, the backbone of “Made in Italy” products worldwide, with new credit.

Today's agreement reinforces the actions already taken to support the real economy, starting with investment in research and development and the enhancement of the supply chain system. The new aspects concern:

Ø sustainable transformation processes in line with the Transition 5.0 Plan

Ø investments in new high-potential advanced production models with a focus on Aerospace, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences

Ø the acceleration of sustainable transition, circular economy and innovative high-tech processes

Ø a plan for Sustainable Living, to foster mobility and talent attraction in Italian industry

"Today we are renewing our long-standing strategic partnership with Confindustria”, explained Carlo Messina, CEO and Managing Director of Intesa Sanpaolo. “Over a period of 15 years, it has supported the Italian production system by disbursing €450 billion and creating a relationship of trust based on the ability of companies to adapt and look to new perspectives. Along this path, our Group has been a key player in identifying, at every turn, the ideal solutions for the growth of Italian companies, which have been strengthened to the extent that they have established themselves as worldwide leaders. What we are presenting today is Intesa Sanpaolo's NRRP for businesses: we are making an additional €200 billion available by 2028 to support Italy's entrepreneurial fabric in achieving growth and competitiveness objectives by investing in the future and the challenges ahead, with a virtuous and constructive relationship model”.

“This agreement represents an essential tool to support our medium to long term industrial policy vision” said Confindustria’s President Emanuele Orsini. "With Intesa Sanpaolo we have accompanied the evolution of our companies in the changing scenario of the past years through innovative solutions. Today we are looking at a horizon in which companies will be engaged in multiple transitions for which they will have to make enormous efforts. The current productivity crisis calls for us to focus on boosting investment. For this, the simplification of transition 5.0 and the timely implementation of the NRRP is crucial. Through this agreement, we seek to promote a participatory and inclusive working method, involving all economic players. 2025 will be a crucial year for our economy and we must work together on some key chapters: the strengthening of strategic supply chains; the reduction of energy prices and the diversification of energy sources; the revision of the green deal with the principle of technological neutrality at heart to prevent the desertification of European industry; attention to welfare and social equity, to be pursued also through the Sustainable Housing Plan proposed by Confindustria”.

During the presentation, Confindustria Study Centre Director Alessandro Fontana and Intesa Sanpaolo Chief Economist Gregorio De Felice discussed the macroeconomic scenario. Anna Roscio, Executive Director Sales & Marketing Enterprises of Intesa Sanpaolo's Banca dei Territori explained the strategic assets of the collaboration. The presentation concluded with a discussion between Intesa Sanpaolo CEO Carlo Messina and Confindustria President Emanuele Orsini on key economic issues.

The contents and strategic tools of the agreement will be outlined and presented to Confindustria members and Intesa Sanpaolo customers nationwide, with a series of meetings and local and sectoral initiatives involving the respective territorial structures.

Informazioni per la Stampa

Intesa Sanpaolo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Media Relations Banca dei Territori e Media Locali       



Area Comunicazione



Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo, con 422 miliardi di euro di impieghi e 1.400 miliardi di euro di attività finanziaria della clientela a fine settembre 2024, è il maggior gruppo bancario in Italia con una significativa presenza internazionale. E’ leader a livello europeo nel wealth management, con un forte orientamento al digitale e al fintech. In ambito ESG, entro il 2025, sono previsti 115 miliardi di euro di erogazioni Impact per la comunità e la transizione verde. Il programma a favore e a supporto delle persone in difficoltà è di 1,5 miliardi di euro (2023-2027). La rete museale della Banca, le Gallerie d’Italia, è sede espositiva del patrimonio artistico di proprietà e di progetti culturali di riconosciuto valore.

News: group.intesasanpaolo.com/it/newsroom

X: @intesasanpaolo

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/intesa-sanpaolo

Confindustria è la principale associazione di rappresentanza delle imprese manifatturiere e di servizi in Italia con una base, ad adesione volontaria, che conta oltre 150mila imprese di tutte le dimensioni, per un totale di 5.389.972 addetti. La mission dell’associazione è favorire l’affermazione dell’impresa quale motore per lo sviluppo economico, sociale e civile del Paese. Confindustria rappresenta le imprese e i loro valori presso le Istituzioni, a tutti i livelli, per contribuire al benessere e al progresso della società. E' in questa chiave che, attraverso le proprie Associazioni territoriali e di categoria, risponde ogni giorno alle necessità delle imprese, analizzando e interpretando gli scenari competitivi, affiancandole in un percorso di crescita, innovazione e cultura di impresa, che coniuga visione e risposta a fabbisogni specifici. 

Media: confindustria.it/home/media

X: @Confindustria)

Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/confindustria

Instagram: instagram.com/confindustria


Ø Support for transformation processes in line with the Transition 5.0 Plan and the actions envisaged by the REPowerEU, in a logic of digital and energy innovation of companies 

Ø Accelerating the Sustainable Transition and Circular Economy towards striking an optimal energy balance between sustainable energy sources

Ø Investment in strategic supply chains and new advanced production models with high development potential: Aerospace, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Life Sciences.

Ø Investing and accelerating the impact in research and innovation by fostering the creation and development of high-tech start-ups and SMEs also through financial solutions and dedicated services

Ø Supporting the strengthening of companies' capital and financial structure, with innovative solutions for the diversification of financial sources and the rebalancing of debt levels

Ø Promoting sustainable living solutions for workers in a logic of urban regeneration

Ø Growth of Italian companies in the south of the country through the optimisation of the Single “Mezzogiorno” Special Economic Zone of Southern Italy and by encouraging entrepreneurial development programmes

Ø Establishment of a national steering committee and territorial groups between the bank and enterprises, with the involvement of Intesa Sanpaolo Regional Departments and the Territorial and Sectoral Associations of the Confindustria system
