
Alert Center

Thank you for registering.
We’re checking your profile. You’ll receive the codes for activation as soon as this step is completed.
In the meantime, click on Subscription details and select the elements of interest. You can also change your personal data on Change Profile.
User Registration
Dear we inform you that your registration has been successfully processed.
To activate the notices via SMS, please enter the secret code that will be sent to your mobile

Il token SMS è scaduto.
 Cliccare per riceverne uno nuovo.


To activate the notices via e-mail, please enter the secret code that will be sent to your mailbox

The e-mail token has expired.
 Click to receive a new one.


If you don’t have the codes at the present time, you can insert them later on.
In the meantime, click on Subscription details and select the elements of interest. You can also change your personal data on Change Profile.