Think Forestry on For Funding
In November 2023, Intesa Sanpaolo launched Think Forestry, a project with the aim, at a global level, of planting and preserving 100 million trees through the joint action of the bank and corporate clients in line with the 2022-2025 usiness Plan.
The first phase of Think Forestry involved large and medium-sized companies, sharing the goal of reforestation and preservation of natural capital throughout Italy between banks and companies, through a vast planting project. An initiative activated through the partnership with Rete Clima and in which the Bank participated directly by supporting the planting of trees in some main Italian cities, Turin, Rome and Naples.
From 1 February it is possible for all private individuals to support the initiative carried out through Rete Clima thanks to a specific initiative by For Funding, the Intesa Sanpaolo crowdfunding platform. The Group in turn will donate 30 euros for each Green Mortgage disbursed throughout 2024 and will donate, every month, 1% of the commissions paid to the bank for expenses made in Italy by business customers with the Credit Commercial card.
In addition to the donation, the customer who is interested in developing new forestation projects for his company can ask to be reported directly to Rete Clima, in order to access interventions on land affiliated with the public administration under dedicated conditions.
Last updated 7 February 2024 at 15:30:16