
Top Management biographies

Gian Maria Gros-Pietro (Torino, 1942).

Chair of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo since April 2016, after being Chair of the Management Board of the Bank from May 2013.
He is a member of the Board of Directors of Luiss - Università Guido Carli and a member of the Committee of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and of AbiServizi. He chairs the Committee of Market Operators and Investors at Consob and is a member of the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana. He was the (non-executive and independent) Chair of ASTM (2012-2020), Lead Independent Director of Edison (2005-2019), an Independent Director of Fiat (2005-2014), an independent Director of Caltagirone (2010-2014), Chair of Atlantia (2003–2010), Chair of ENI (1999-2002) and of IRI (1997-1999). From 1994 to 1997, he was a member of the Advisory and Guarantee Committee for Privatisations, established at the Ministry of Treasury.
He was Full Professor of Business Economics at the University of Turin (1980-2004) and at Luiss University of Rome (2004-2012), where he founded and directed the Department of Economic and Business Science (2004-2011). From 1974 to 1995, he was the Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth, the main body of the CNR (the Italian National Research Council) in the economic field.

Carlo Messina (Roma, 1962).

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo since 29 September 2013.
A graduate of Economics and Business from Luiss University of Rome, he began his career at Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, where he held the position of Manager in charge of the Corporate Finance - Primary Markets and Corporate Finance Department. While developing his professional career, he carried out intense academic activities as Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries at the Business Administration Master of the Luiss School of Management and as Professor of Corporate Finance at the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Ancona. In 1992, he joined Bonifiche Siele Finanziaria (Parent Company of the Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura banking group), where he held the position of Manager in charge of the Planning and Strategic Control Department. From 1996, he was Manager in charge of Planning at Banco Ambrosiano Veneto and, in 2002, he became the Head of the Planning and Control Head Office Department at Banca Intesa. At Intesa Sanpaolo, in 2007, he was Head of the Value Creation Governance Area, became Chief Financial Officer in 2008, General Manager and Chief Financial Officer in 2012. In 2013, he took on the role of General Manager of the Bank, Head of the Chief Financial Officer Governance Area and Head of the Banca dei Territori Division. In September of the same year, he became Managing Director and CEO, while maintaining the position of General Manager. Since April 2016, within the one-tier corporate governance system, he has been Managing Director and CEO, General Manager and sole executive Board Director.
He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Banking Association (the ABI), a Fellow of the Foreign Policy Association of New York, a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University and a member of the Bocconi University Board.
In 2017, he was awarded the “Cavaliere del Lavoro” knighthood by the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella.
In October 2022, he received the Honorary Master's Degree in Management Engineering from the Politecnico di Bari.
In March 2024, the University of Padua awarded him an Honorary Master's Degree in Economics and Finance.

Davide Alfonsi (Torino, 1963).

Chief Risk Officer since 1 May 2016.
He graduated in Economics at the University of Turin in 1988 and is enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and in the Register of Statutory Auditors. He started his career with Arthur Andersen, where he built up significant experience in auditing and consulting during his 10 years, working principally in the Financial Sector. 
He joined Sanpaolo in 1998 and in the same year he was appointed Head of Risk Control of Sanpaolo IMI. In 2004 he became Head of the Group Risk Management function.
In January 2007, after the merger between Intesa and Sanpaolo, he was appointed head of the Group Risk Management Department and in June 2015 he became Group Risk Manager, deputy to the Chief Risk Officer. Among other relevant experiences, he was a member of the CEBS’ Consultative Panel (now EBA) from 2006 to 2010 and was a member of GEBI (Group of Experts in Banking Issues) for the European Commission from May 2010 to October 2011. From February 2013 to December 2018 he was the Chair of AIFIRM (Italian Association of Financial Industries Risk Managers).


Paola Angeletti (Jesi, 1964).

Chief Sustainability Officer since 2 April 2024.
Paola Angeletti graduated ‘cum laude’ at the Bocconi University. She started her career as a consultant in corporate finance and then at an international investment bank.
She subsequently took up roles of growing responsibility in Mediocredito Lombardo, IntesaBci and Banca Intesa and, in 2007, she became Head of the Unit with planning and technical support functions to the Supervisory Board and its Committees in the newly formed Intesa Sanpaolo. 
In 2015, she became Head of the M&A Department, where she carried out extraordinary transactions in Italy and abroad. In 2018, she also became Head of the Shareholdings Department. In 2019, she became Head of the International Subsidiary Banks Division, coordinating 11 banks in Central-Eastern Europe and in North Africa, with 22,000 people, 1,000 branches and over 7 million customers. In 2020, she became Chief Operating Officer of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, in charge of Organisation, Human Resources, Trade Union Relations, Training, Internal Communication, Health and Safety, Diversity Equity & Inclusion, and Physical Security. 
Since 2 April 2024 Paola Angeletti has been Chief Sustainability Officer of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, with responsibilities for the Group’s ESG strategy, Social Impact initiatives, and the supervision of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A., of Neva SGR and the Group’s art, cultural and heritage activities.
Over the years, she has been a board member of several Group companies engaged in leasing, consumer credit and banking. She is currently Chairperson of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. and she sits on the Boards of Eurizon Capital SGR and Digit’ed.
Additionally, she is a member of the Board, the Presidential Committee and the Executive Committee of the Italian Banking Association (ABI).
In 2022, Paola Angeletti received the Mela d'Oro Award of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation and was included by Forbes among Italy’s 100 most influential successful women.

Stefano Barrese (Roma, 1970).

Head of the Banca dei Territori Division (domestic commercial banking) since 15 January 2016.
After receiving a degree in Economics and Business from the LUISS University of Rome in 1993, he was enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants and the Register of Official Auditors in Rome.
He started his career in 1995 with Arthur Andersen before moving on to Erg Petroli.
He joined the Planning Department of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto in 1998. After the merger between Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI, he held several positions, including Head of Capital Management in the Planning, Capital Management and Synergy Control Department and Head of Planning in the Planning and Control head office Department. Mr Barrese has been with the Banca dei Territori Division since 2013. He was head of the Planning and Control Department, the Marketing Department and, subsequently, the Sales and Marketing Area.
He currently sits on the boards of ABI (Italian Banking Association), Bancomat, SSD LUISS, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and Centai Institute S.p.A..

Luca Bocca (Monza, 1977).

Chief Financial Officer since 1 April 2024.
Graduated in Economics of Institutions and Financial Markets at Università Cattolica in Milan, he began his professional career at Banca Intesa in 2001 as financial controller. Then he grew as business planner in the Business Plan Office, a structure of which he became Head in 2008, collaborating in the drafting of various Group Business Plans. In 2013, he became Head of the Group Planning Department.
In 2014, he embarked on the adventure in the newly established Capital Light Bank, the Group unit dedicated to risk deleveraging, as Head of Planning and Control Department: in this context he set up the unit Controlling to support the NPL recovery activities and participated in the transaction involving the platform’s spin-off and its transfer to Intrum.
In December 2018, he became Executive Director of the Group Planning and Control Head Office Department reporting directly to the Group CFO and in November 2023 he assumed the role of Deputy to the CFO.
Passionate about sports, he believes in teamwork and tries every day to transpose the values ​​he inherited from his past as a basketball player & coach onto a professional level.
He is currently a Board Member of Intrum Italy S.p.A..

Piero Boccassino (Torino, 1964).

Chief Compliance Officer since 1 July 2015.
Graduated in Economics from Turin University in 1988, with a participation in an advanced banking course at INSEAD in 1996, he is a Chartered Accountant and a Statutory Auditor. After a working experience in a professional firm, in 1990 Mr Boccassino joined the Studies and Research Department of Istituto Bancario San Paolo and in 1991 became a member of the General Manager’s staff. From the following year until 2001, he worked in the areas of financial statements, planning and control.
In 1999, he became a senior manager at Sanpaolo IMI, first as head of planning and control for the branch network, then as CFO of Eurizon Vita and, finally, as head of the Group’s cost management.
In 2007, following the creation of Intesa Sanpaolo, he was appointed head of administrative and financial governance and, in 2008, head of the newly formed compliance function.
From 2011 to June 2013, he was in charge of the Valle d’Aosta and North-East Piedmont branch network area. In July 2013, he took on the responsibility for the compliance function once more, and, in July 2015, he became the Group’s Chief Compliance Officer. Mr Boccassino is a board member of the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and Chair of the Anti-Financial Crime Digital Hub Scarl.

Paolo Bonassi (Genova, 1964).

Chief Social Impact Officer since 2 April 2024.
Following a degree in Economics and Business from the University of Genoa, in 1989 he joined Banca Commerciale Italiana, where, after a training period in the branch network, he gained experience in the Planning and Management Control Area.
From 2001 to 2006, he served as Head of Divisions Controller and Tableau de Bord at Banca Intesa. Within Intesa Sanpaolo, he held the positions of Head of the Management Control and Budget Unit, and, from October 2013, Head of the Control Head Office Department. 
From 2018, he was Head of the Strategic Support Head Office Department, reporting directly to the CEO, with the task of overseeing strategic initiatives and providing specialized support, including ensuring the optimal functioning of Intesa Sanpaolo Steering Committee.
From October 2023, he served as the Head of the Strategic Initiatives and Social Impact Head Office Department, expanding the scope of operations of the Strategic Support Head Office Department to include "Intesa Sanpaolo per il Sociale", tasked with overseeing and leading the Group's social activities, aiming at generating a positive impact on the community and territories, actively striving to address inequalities in social terms, educational orientation, and employability. 
Since April 2024, he has taken on the role of Chief Social Impact Officer, overseeing not only "Intesa Sanpaolo per il Sociale" initiatives but also the Bank’s initiatives for inclusion and impact, as well as overseeing Group activities concerning the environment and energy.

Virginia Borla (Ciriè, 1980).

Head of the Insurance Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and Managing Director and General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita since April 2024.
Before graduating in Business Administration from the University of Turin, she began her professional career working in the retail branch network, initially in Customer Services then as Manager and finally as Branch Manager.
In 2010, she began working in the Head Offices of Intesa Sanpaolo where she was part of the Staff to the Head of the Banca dei Territori Division. In 2013, she became Head of Cross functional Plans & Projects Office and, in 2015, Head of Cross functional Plans, Projects & Activities Sub-department.
In 2016, she took up the position of Head of Personnel and Change Management in the Banca dei Territori Division and, from 2020 to 2024, she was also a Director of Bank 5, which has been renamed Isybank.
From 2022, she was the Head of Business Governance Coordination Area in the Banca dei Territori Division.
She is currently a Deputy Chair and a member of the Executive Committee of ANIA.

Roberto Cascella (Taranto, 1975).

Chief People & Culture Officer since 2 April 2024. 
A graduate in Law from the University of Parma in 2000, he obtained a PhD in Law and Labour Law from the University of Modena in 2003. He has been a qualified Lawyer since 2004.
He began his professional career in 2001 as a specialist in Industrial Relations at Cariparma/Credit Agricole, joining Banca Intesa in 2004. Following the merger between Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI, he held various HR leadership roles including HR Manager for the International Division, HR Manager for Retail Banking, and HR & Operations Manager for North West Italy in the Banca dei Territori Division (domestic commercial banking), as well as Group Manager for Personnel Management and Selection. 
In 2018, he became Head of the Central People Management & HR Transformation Department, reporting directly to the Chief Operating Officer, leading strategic and cross-functional projects for transforming work methods, enhancing employability over time, and the three-year program for digital transformation of all HR processes and services. 
The Area he currently heads is in charge of leading all activities related to People Management & HR Transformation, Corporate and Physical Security, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Internal Communication, Labour Cost and Area Support, Remuneration Policies & Learning, and Safety. 
Since 2023, he has sat on the Board of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita.

Tommaso Corcos (Roma, 1962).

Head of the Wealth Management Divisions structure since 2 April 2024.
He holds a degree in Business Administration from Rome's Università La Sapienza, as well as a Master in Financial Advisory, and participated in the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program (AMP). He began his career in 1987 in BNL's foreign shareholding office. Between 1990 and 2001, he held several positions with Intesa Asset Management SGR/Nextra Investment Management SGR as Market Manager, rising to Head of Investment Management for the bond, equity and currency sectors.
In September 2002, he joined Fideuram as Chief Executive Officer of Fideuram Investimenti SGR S.p.A. – formerly Fideuram Capital. From 2006 to 2013, he was Deputy Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Fideuram Asset Management Ireland and Deputy Chair of Fideuram Gestions, and was a member of the Board of Interfund Sicav and Eurizon Alternative Investments SGR S.p.A.. From January 2014 to February 2020, he was Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Eurizon Capital SGR and Chair of Eurizon Capital S.A. and Epsilon SGR.
In 2016, he was appointed Chair of Assogestioni, a position he held until March 2022. From 2019 to December 2021, he was also Chair of Eurizon Capital Real Asset. 
In February 2020, he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, as well as General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking; he held the latter position until January 2021 when he was appointed Deputy Chair.
He held those positions until April 2024, when he was appointed Head of Intesa Sanpaolo's Wealth Management Divisions structure.
In April 2024, he was appointed Deputy Chair of Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.

Nicola Maria Fioravanti (Roma, 1962).

Chief Governance, Operating and Transformation Officer since 2 April 2024.
"Magna cum laude" degree in Economics and Business from La Sapienza University in Rome. He was responsible for Budget, Planning and Control at Telecom Italia from 1988 to 1992, and for Strategic Planning at Bonifiche Siele from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, he entered the banking sector and, over time, held positions at Banco Ambrosiano Veneto and Banca Intesa in the area of Planning, Research and Management Control. From 2006 he held various positions in the Chief Financial Officer Area, Strategic Planning of Intesa Sanpaolo, the last of these as Head of the Planning, Strategic ALM and Capital Management Head Office Department.
From 1 July 2015 to 2 April 2024 he was Head of the Insurance Division of Intesa Sanpaolo, over time also holding the roles of Managing Director and General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita, Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura, Chair of the Board of Directors of Fideuram Vita, Chair of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo RBM Salute, Chair of the Board of Directors of Cargeas Assicurazioni, Chair and Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors of InSalute Servizi and Deputy Chair of ANIA.
From 2017 to 2021 he was also a Board Director of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center. 

Flavio Gianetti (Torino, 1966).

Chief Equity, Legal and M&A Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo since 2 April 2024.
Graduated in Economics from Turin University, in 1992 he began his working experience in the Life Branch of Toro Assicurazioni. In 1995 he joined the Shareholdings Department of Sanpaolo. After the merger between Sanpaolo and IMI (1999), his activities geared towards M&A and extraordinary operations.
In 2005 he became Head of Extraordinary Operations Office within the Shareholdings Department. In Intesa Sanpaolo (2007) he became Deputy of Strategic Operations and Special Projects (CEO staff), structure responsible for M&A, special projects, and corporate development activities.
In 2014, within Capital Light Bank, he became Head of the Equity Investment Department, a structure in charge of divesting equity portfolios and managing assets to be restructured. In 2017, always within Capital Light Bank, he became Head of Investment and Extraordinary Operations Department, adding to his previous responsibilities the sale of non-performing loan and the management of specific non-core loan portfolios.
In 2019 he became Head of the Group's M&A and Shareholdings Department which performed a "governance" function with reference to equity issues and strategies and took care of relationships with the relevant stakeholders. He has been a board member of banks (Slovenia, Croatia and Ukraine), insurance companies (Italy) and real estate companies (Italy and Hungary). He is currently a Board Member of Bancomat S.p.A., Eurizon Capital SGR, Redo SGR and Reyl Intesa Sanpaolo.

Maria Luisa Gota (Alessandria, 1967).

Head of the Asset Management Division of Intesa Sanpaolo and CEO of Eurizon Capital SGR since April 2024.
After earning a degree in Mathematics in 1991 from the University of Turin and obtaining a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics for Economics and Finance from the University of Trieste in 1995, as well as a period as an academic researcher, she has held various roles with increasing responsibilities in the financial and insurance industries since 1997. These roles have been mainly in areas such as risk management, asset-liability management, capital management, valuation, planning, and control for asset management companies and insurance companies.
In 2011, she joined Aviva Italia as Chief Risk Officer, a role held until 2014. After her experience as Chief Risk Officer of Poste Vita, in 2016 she took on the role of Chief Financial Officer of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita and Head of Financial Planning and Control for the Insurance Division of Intesa Sanpaolo.
In 2017, she was appointed CEO and General Manager of Fideuram Vita, a role held until April 2024. Until the same date, she also coordinated as Deputy General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Vita the Life subsidiaries and the development of the ESG program of the Insurance Division.
She was a member of the Board of Directors of Intesa Sanpaolo Life Ireland from 2017 to November 2023.

Alfonso Guido (Cosenza, 1966).

Chief Cost Management Officer since 1 January 2018.
A graduate in Banking, Financial and Insurance Economics from the University of Messina, Mr. Guido began his career at Cassa di Risparmio of Calabria and Lucania (Cariplo Group) in 1991 (securing a position reserved for accounting graduates who achieved full marks in the regions of Calabria and Basilicata), performing the roles of banking counter operator, secretary officer and treasury officer. Following this experience in the network, in 1994 he took on a role as mortgages specialist in the MLT Loans Department.
In the second half of the same year, he became a sales network trainer and the sales manager in the North Area of Cosenza at Cassa di Risparmio di Calabria e di Lucania (which became Banca Carime) for insurance products of Carivita (insurance company of the Cariplo Group). In 1998, he became senior officer in the Planning and Studies Department of Banca Intesa, focusing in particular on strategic simulations and monitoring of individual regulatory capital ratios of all Group banks.
In 2001, he was appointed Head of the Service Company Office of the Management Control Department of Banca Intesa to oversee the activities of management and planning control of Intesa Sistemi e Servizi (ISS) and Intesa Gestione Crediti (IGC). In 2007, he became Head of the Budget Operating Costs Office of the Capital Budget and Cost Control Department of Intesa Sanpaolo, within the staff serving the Chief Financial Officer.
In October 2014, he became Head of the Coordination Unit of Project Initiatives, reporting directly to the Managing Director and CEO, with the task of overseeing and monitoring strategic projects, carrying out, on behalf of the Managing Director and CEO, relationships with the Business Units and the Head Office Departments. In August 2016, he was appointed Chief of the CEO project office.
From January 2018 to January 2019 he was Managing Director of Intesa Sanpaolo Group Services.

Stefano Lucchini (Roma, 1962).

Chief Institutional Affairs and External Communication Officer since 1 January 2018.
After graduating in Economics and Business Administration from the Luiss University of Rome, in 1987 he joined the studies' department at Montedison, where he eventually became Manager for Corporate Communication and Investor Relations at Montedison USA. In 1997, he joined Enel and was appointed Director of External Relations of the group.  He also served as Director of External Relations in Confindustria. In 2002, he joined the Banca Intesa group as Director of External Relations. In 2005, he served as Senior Executive Vice President for International Public Affairs and Communication of the Eni group and as Chair of Eni USA. From September 2014 to December 2017, he served as Head of International and Regulatory Affairs of the Intesa Sanpaolo group. Within the Intesa Sanpaolo group, he serves as Chair of Intesa Sanpaolo IMI Securities Corp., as Vice President of the Advisory Board IMPACT and as a board member of Intesa Sanpaolo Highline.
He serves on the Board of Directors of the Luiss University and is President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Italy. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the “Fondazione Osservatorio sulla Criminalità nell’Agricoltura e sul Sistema Agroalimentare” (Association against organized crime in Farming and in Food Farming) and a member of the International Advisory Council and the Foreign Policy Leadership Council of the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C.. He is a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation within the “Italy-Israel Foundation for Culture and the Arts”, a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford University (Green Templeton College) and is a board member of ABI (Italian Banking Association) and a member of its Executive Committee. He was knighted “Cavaliere di Gran Croce” for Services to the Italian Republic.

Lino Mainolfi (Napoli, 1969).

Head of the Private Banking Division since 2 April 2024.
After graduating with first class honours in Business and Economics from the “Federico II” University of Naples, in 1993 he was admitted to practise as a chartered accountant and, in the same year, began working as an auditor with Price Waterhouse.
In 1998, he joined Banco Napoli Asset Management SGR, where he was the Head of the Internal Control function. In 2002, he was appointed to the role of Head of the Operational Risk Management & Control function at Sanpaolo IMI Asset Management SGR and,  in 2003, at the parent company, Sanpaolo IMI Wealth Management.
In 2005, he was appointed Head of Internal Audit at Eurizon Capital SGR and its subsidiaries Eurizon Alternative Investments SGR and Eurizon Capital S.A.. In November 2008, he became Head of Compliance at Eurizon Capital SGR, Epsilon SGR and Eurizon AI SGR.
In January 2011, he was appointed Head of Internal Audit at Eurizon Capital SGR and its subsidiaries Epsilon SGR and Eurizon Capital S.A.. In 2012 he became Head of the Operations Department at Eurizon Capital SGR with responsibility for administration and financial statements, accounting governance, management planning and control, tax, legal, product regulation, customer administration, product administration, information systems, organisation and project office. In 2020, he was appointed Joint General Manager, Head of the Operational and Financial Coordination Area at Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.
He is registered in the Italian Order of Chartered Accountants, for the District of the Court of Milan, and in the Italian Register of Auditors.
Since May 2021, he has been a member of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Risk Committee of Reyl Intesa Sanpaolo – Geneva.
Since April 2024, he has been the Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.

Mauro Micillo (Desenzano, 1970).

Head of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division since 27 April 2016.
M. Micillo graduated with first class honors in Business and Administration in 1994 at the Statale University of Brescia. Thanks to a scholarship, he subsequently specialised in “Currency Management and International Finance”. After holding various positions in FINECO and IMI-FIDEURAM Group, in 2000 he joined Banca Esperia (Mediobanca, Mediolanum & Partners) as Chief Investment Officer.
In 2002, he joined the Capitalia Group as Executive Director, in charge of the Group Finance (Treasury, Trading, Product Structuring and ALM). In 2005, he was appointed CEO of the Group’s asset management company.
In October 2007, following the merger of the company into the UniCredit Group, he left the Capitalia Group and became Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of the Banca Popolare di Vicenza Group.
In October 2009, he was appointed CEO of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group asset management company (Eurizon Capital), directly reporting to the then Group CEO.
In January 2014, he was appointed General Manager of Banca IMI, of which he became CEO in March 2015, retaining the position until the bank was merged into the Parent Company in June 2020.
In April 2016, he became Head of the Corporate and Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo (currently IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division).
As far as international roles are concerned, he was a member of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Market Efficiency. He was also Chair of Allfunds Bank, a Spanish bank later listed on the London Stock Exchange. He is currently a Member of the Supervisory Board (Net Zero Carbon Cities) of the World Economic Forum.
Alongside his professional activity, he also passionately developed the academic one. Firstly, as Lecturer at the SDA Bocconi, then as Adjunct Professor at the University of Brescia and since 2006 as Adjunct Professor of the “Asset Management” University chair at the LUISS Guido Carli in Rome.
Since 2024 he has been Visiting Fellow at Oxford University.

Cristina Motta (Milano, 1972).

Chief Transformation & Organisation Officer since 2 April 2024.
She graduated with honors in Business Administration from L. Bocconi University of Milan in 1995 and started her career at Andersen Consulting, where she focused on change management projects in Financial Services sector.
In 2000, she joined Banca Commerciale Italiana and soon became Head of Budget, staff and labor costs. After the merger between Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI, she took on different roles within the HR Department: taking on more and more responsibilities, she became Head of Resource Management Service.
In 2011, she was appointed Head of Resources and Change Management Department within the insurance companies of the Group, contributing to the creation of the Insurance Division. She moved to Banca dei Territori Division in 2018, first as Head of Controls, Complaints, Costs and Investment Monitoring Department, and then as Head of Digital Branch Department.
In 2022, she was certified “In the BoardRoom”, an executive training program for the role of Board Member: she currently holds this role at Exelia, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, Fondazione Intesa Sanpaolo Ente Filantropico and Società di Mutuo Soccorso per il personale del Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo.

Paola Papanicolaou (Messina, 1976).

Head of the International Banks Division since 1 July 2024.
Graduated in Economics at the University of Pisa, she began her professional career at Monte dei Paschi di Siena where she was responsible for innovative channels and distribution strategies integrating physical and digital channels. At Citibank in Greece she further developed her experience in the creation and management of direct channels and synergies between business lines with specific focus on Direct Sales Networks. She worked in consulting for AT Kearney on international projects in the telcos industry in Greece, China and Egypt and was Project Manager for several Olympic Committees and international events in Athens, Turin and the USA. From 2007 until 2015 she held commercial positions at MPS, where she reached the position of Commercial Director of the Tuscany, Umbria and Marche Area, and subsequently at Generali, where she was Commercial Director of the Private Banking Network of Banca Generali. 
In 2015, she joined Fideuram Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, driving the creation of an innovative service model with the mission of transforming financial advisory into global advisory in the Fideuram and Sanpaolo Invest Networks. She then moved to the Parent Company where she gained 6 years of experience in the field of Innovation and Digital Transformation, driving several projects including the development of the isytech platform.
Since 2019 she has been a member of the Investment Committee of Neva SGR and since 2022 a Board Member of Isybank S.p.A..

Massimo Proverbio (Krugersdorp – South Africa, 1958).

Chief Data, A.I. and Technology Officer since 2 April 2024.
After earning his Bachelor of Engineering degree at Politecnico di Milano University in 1985, he joined IBM as a system engineer. In 1988, he entered Accenture Italia as project manager within the banking sector, focusing on the branch network. From 1991 to 1994 he worked for Accenture in Belgium, Hungary and South Africa managing IT systems architecture, IT transformation and merger planning projects. In 1994, he returned to Accenture Italia and till 1999 he managed planning and integration projects regarding the main Italian banking groups, in addition to cost reduction and multi-channel solutions and core banking systems set-up projects. In 1999, he was appointed as an Accenture Partner. From 1999 he became responsible for various Accenture clients and led the development off different Accenture offer areas, like Merger and Acquisition, Digital transformation and CRM and Cost restructuring. From 2003 he also took on the Italian Banking industry responsibility (offer, service quality, customer satisfaction). In 2007, he was appointed Accenture Financial Services (Banks and Insurance) Lead for Italy, Central Europe, Russia, Greece, Turkey and Middle East and joined the Accenture Italia and Accenture Financial Services Europe and Latin America Executive Committees. In 2012, he was appointed Accenture Senior Managing Director and also became Accenture Payment Services Global Lead; then, in 2015, he was appointed Europe and Latin America Banking Industry and Practice Lead. In December 2017 he left Accenture and on 1 January 2018 joined Intesa Sanpaolo as Chief IT Digital and Innovation Officer. Since March 2023, he has been Chief Data, A.I., Innovation and Technology Officer and, in this role, he has focused on enhancing data functions in line with his previous role; since April 2024, he has maintained his role with the title of Chief Data, A.I. and Technology Officer.
He was a Board Director of Intesa Sanpaolo Group Services (2018-2019), Neva Finventures S.p.A. (2018-2020) and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center S.p.A. (2018-2021). He was a member of the Advisory Committee for the digital P.A. for the Italian Government (April 2021-September 2022).
In March 2020, he was appointed Board Director of Neva SGR S.p.A. and in July 2020 Board Director of ABI. In January 2021, he became a member of the Supervisory Board of Intesa Sanpaolo International Value Services. In March 2022, he was appointed Board Director of CENTAI Institute S.p.A, in May 2022 Board Director of Anti Financial Crime Digital Hub S.c.a.r.l. and in June 2022 became a member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the National Cybersecurity Agency.

Raffaello Ruggieri (San Severo, 1970).

Chief Lending Officer since 1 January 2020.
He started his professional career at IBM Italia, with the Quality and Re-engineering Department, before completing his Master’s degree in Business Administration, graduating summa cum laude. At IBM Italia he was involved in process innovation, in financings supporting technology innovation and in the introduction of ERP information systems. In 2003, he completed the Corporate Coaching Program with Coach U Italia, performing team building and executive coaching activities.
He joined the Group in 1999. While covering different roles and responsibilities, including Corporate Turnaround, Project & Industry Specialised Lending, Structured Finance, Investment Banking and Coverage of the main domestic and international clients, he was also in charge of several projects aiming at the strengthening of the capital structure of major clients, through Equity issues.
From 1999 to 2002, he was part of the Banca Commerciale Italiana’s HR and Organisation team and was involved in several organisational projects, jointly with business teams, dealing also with the Comit-Intesa amalgamation. From 2002 to 2005, he was involved in the most critical corporate turnarounds and in the international network reorganisation, supporting directly the Head of the Investment Banking Division. From 2005 to 2009, he was part of the Financial Restructuring team within Intesa Sanpaolo, starting up the M&A activities and being involved in the most important Investment Banking and Structured Finance deals. From 2009 and 2011, he took care of the most important Corporate Restructuring projects within Banca IMI’s Structure Finance Unit. In 2015, he was given the responsibility for the International Structure Finance business of the Group after having been responsible for the Project & Industry Specialised Lending Italia team, from 2011, and for the international Project Finance business (London, New York and Hong Kong), from 2013.
In January 2018, he became responsible for the Global Corporate Department within the Corporate & Investment Banking Division, managing approximately 14,000 clients, both domestic and international, after having been in charge of the Corporate & Strategic Finance Business Unit within Banca IMI from 2016, with responsibility over the Investment Banking (Equity Capital Markets, Debt Capital Markets, M&A) as well as the Structured Finance for Intesa Sanpaolo Group.
From December 2015 to May 2017, he was a director of the Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A. (Italo - NTV) Board.

Claudio Testa (Novara, 1963).

Chief Audit Officer since 1 January 2018.
A graduate of Economics and Business from the University of Turin, he began his career at Nuovo Banco Ambrosiano in 1987 as Internal Auditor with growing responsibilities in different areas until 1996 when he took on the role of Manager in charge of Audit and Administration Services of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto.
In 1999, he held the position of Manager in charge of the Audit activities concerning the project for the merger between Banca Intesa and Banca Commerciale Italiana.
In 2003, at Banca Intesa, he became Head of Audit Planning and Control. In 2007, at Intesa Sanpaolo, he took on the role of Head of Audit Coordination and Development and, in July 2015, he became the Group’s Head of Internal Auditing. In January 2018, the function evolved into Chief Audit Officer. Mr. Testa is currently a member of the Board of AIIA (Italian Internal Auditors Association).

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