Health and wellbeing

Carelab platform for the People Care

CareLab is a full-blown well-being ecosystem with content, tools, and (digital and face-to-face) initiatives made available on this dedicated platform.


2022 Results

>3,800 people signed up to the “4Fooding” app dedicated to healthy diets
>9,500 people signed up to the “#Stepbystep” workout app
>7,600 people signed up to the online gym
3,300 accesses to the Consultation and Support service

Free psychological assistance service available 24/7 in Italy and in the corporate branches in London, Paris and Frankfurt.

>3,200 programmes on the “21days” app for emotional well-being

In 2022, over 70% of employees (Italy) benefited from the wellness opportunities offered by CareLab. The platform counted over 700,000 accesses and ~700 items were published on all aspects of well-being (physical, emotional, psychological, and relational) and over 20 online events were organised with experts and spokespersons. 

Since March 2022, following the serious humanitarian crisis that hit Ukraine and its population, the Consultation and Support service has also been active for employees at the Ukrainian subsidiary Pravex Bank and their family members.

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